A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Chapter XI Child back home figuring out how his world fits
with his new found purpose of life
Dad, today we had a great day at the Fair and at Pathshala.... I got a lot of my answers. We learned that purpose/goal of our life is "to achieve happiness" and for that we need to first find answers on "how to obtain happiness". We also found out where to look for answers.
Dad: That's very good to hear... I'm so happy for you
I feel this can create a strong foundation for all your future
decisions and maybe even lessen "Desires". Dad: Let me call your Mom... she would be so proud of you --- Dad is all excited......he runs to call Neel's Mom from the next room.... she also arrives into Neel's room ---
Mom... you know something? I was never very clear on the difference between "Needs" and "Desires", difference between the two, seemed very fluid and kept changing with time.
I know what you are talking about.... Sometimes we adults also have a tough time differentiating between the two... you are not alone
Mom... I feel that the tough part was determining my goal, my purpose of life. Once that's done, everything else seems to be fall in place. It's no longer difficult to figure things out. To give you an example, I now seem to have a better understanding of the difference between "Needs and Desires".
"Need" is something that helps you meet your purpose of life.... and "Desire" is everything else... you can say, it's the optional