A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Even if God could give us something (let's imagine for a second), why would he give us something that he himself didn't think was worth having ?
Jinvani was his ONLY gift to mankind, that's the reason he is called "hitopdeshi*". If you look at his other qualities "Sarvagya*"and "Veetraagi*", those qualities gave him "Anant Sukh* (311a TT)", they did not give us anything. If you ask me, his "Only gift to us was Jinvani*".
We should read our shastras and listen to lectures that provide insight into our true self. The more you learn about "your true constant self", the closer you'll get to finding happiness.
Thank you Ma'm. This gave us direction and purpose to our life.
--- All students head back home.
*Sarvagya Hoşt - Who knows everything *Anant Sukh 3ra Ho - Infinite Happiness *Hitopdeshi familiarit - One who shows us path to achieve our ultimate goal *Veetraagi altarit - Who is free of all attachment, expectations and judgment *Shastra y knowledge of religion based on principles that are timeless *Jinvani faluf - knowledge imparted by Teerthankar's on our ultimate goal of being happy