A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
is "wanting something that's not yours", isn't greed driving all these desires? We know that “greed” is one of the four Kashayaas* (2014) and it's a Paap* (414) Kashaay. How can the result of Paap Kashaay, be happiness?
Stall1 Host1:
Well... technically you are right... this is Lobh (a.k.a. greed) and you are right this will get us Paap karmas that could land us in trouble later in this life or in next many lives. However we have a way to get around that also, because "Not only do we want this life to be full of abundance; we also take steps to make sure that the next life is also full of comforts". That's why we are very religious and believe in "Serving God" so that after death, we go to heaven, not hell. We believe this will get us Punya* (que) Karmas which will nullify our Paap* Karmas. I'm not sure that'll get good karmas.......... Let me explain .......... If greed for things in this life is bad karma then greed for things in next life can't be good karma.... doesn't seem right
Student #4:
Stall1 Host1:
Student #4:
Maybe you should check out the previous stall that is run by pujaris and religious people, that's dedicated entirely for this purpose. We've been there already... that didn't provide us the answers we are looking for. Well.... do you want to sign-up with us then?... if you sign-up today and make "participating and leading in all races" as the most important purpose of your life, we'll give away enticing gifts like... 50 pardons that
Stall6 Host2:
*Kashaay Chart - Imperfections in our character mainly of 4 kinds anger, greed, ego and deceit *Paap 414- Imperfections in our character or beliefs that bring worldly discomfort