A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
anger or greed towards others or their property; Nothing wrong with that. This definitely seems better than trying to control others and basing your success on how much good happens in others. I can easily see myself doing this and at the same time, inspire others to improve their lifestyle. I'm in... Please sign me up for life. I'll dedicate my life to being a better person.
--- Another 3 out of 4 students decide to sign-up... They were given a BAND to wear on their heads for the rest of their lives. They were also given goodie bags that contained uplifting thoughts and motivational material
Student #4:
--- One who had not signed up at this stall --- This is definitely more closely aligned with Jainism principles, in fact Hindu principles or for that matter principles of all religions, but I am not sure if we can control our feelings. Let's say yesterday night I was feeling great after playing with my sister. If someone asks me to once again have exactly similar happy thoughts now, I can't make myself feel the same, Irrespective of how hard I try.......... It seems if we set our expectations on always having happy thoughts and regarding negative thoughts as our failures, I'm afraid we're setting us up for disappointment.........Any time a feeling of anger or greed arises within me, I'll feel guilty, because I've assumed emotions are in my control, which may not be the case.
Stall3 Host1:
We don't guarantee you'll be able to control your emotions or always feel positive and not have any negative thoughts or weak moments. Our goal is to make sure, situations outside you, are no longer able to force you, to act in a negative or stressful way. This