A Child's Quest to find his "Purpose of Life"
Chapter VI
3rd Stall "Be a better person within yourself"
(in turn the world will become a better place)
--- A group of 4 students arrived at this stall. These were run by "Sadachari* (HTERA)" (Do good to thy neighbor, Respect your elders, Take care of Parents, Never hurt anyone, Never lie to anyone, Don't have ill-feelings towards anyone, perform selfless deeds, don't have any expectations from others)
Stall3 Hosti:
Hello kids, we'd like to
Enough encourage you to "Be a better person within yourself". We believe if everyone does that then the world will be a better place. Irrespective of what's happening around you, never cause harm to others.
We don't believe you can change the world, nor is it easy to change others, as a result, we believe being a better person within ourselves, will give you peace and also encourage others to be like you.
Stall3 Host2:
We believe each person has their own destiny, and all your actions / emotions attract "Karma* (wouf)" particles, as a result if you control your feelings, emotions and only have good feelings for others, you'll attract Good Karma.
Stall3 Hosti:
Kids... Good Karma will take you to heaven and everything that's desirable will automatically come your way. It's aligned with Gandhian principles i.e. if someone slaps you once, you offer him your other cheek.
Student #1,2,3:
I agree, we should try to not have negative thoughts or
* Sadachari HGTER - One who practices righteousness * Karma - Microscopic particles (pudgala) attracted to soul due to mental dispositions