Verse 55
these can concentrate his mind upon anything, and thus attain excellent meditation.
Ghoshal, Sarat Chandra, Dravya-Samgraha, p. 81.
Making oneself worthy of meditation
बाह्यान्तर्भूतनिःशेषसङ्गमूर्छा क्षयं गता । यदि तत्त्वोपदेशेन ध्याने चेतस्तदार्पय ॥
(3-19) If upon listening to sacred discourses on Reality (tattvas), your infatuation caused by attachment to possessions (parigraha), internal and external, has been vanquished, then you must resort to meditation.
प्रमादविषयग्राहदन्तयन्त्राद्यदि च्युतः । त्वं तदा क्लेशसङ्घातघातकं ध्यानमाश्रय ॥
(3-20) So long as negligence (pramāda) and sense-pleasures (indriyavisaya) appeal (look attractive) to the mind, you cannot apply it to meditation.
इमेऽनन्तभ्रमासारप्रसरैकपरायणाः । यदि रागादयः क्षीणास्तदा ध्यातुं विचेष्ट्यताम् ॥
(3-21) If you have overcome thought-activities based on delusion (moha), and attachment (rāga) and aversion (dvesa), then you must put effort on meditation.
Acārya Shubhachandra's Jñānārņavaḥ, p. 60.