cefrnier gt
sefaatton at at anefeat
[pefererfra qa & arag <i aught ara Bi tuet ar et a
afar eo ® terdenfeorat serar are/faeat ar emer | TT Ta
aagoh aranfeare wgerdt & gat aogoht watferre 1 eat sree are
¥ Sate wa: 6 afte 5 areal fraz 21
sefrenfaa # far Gereite ea safe errata agyhe
qiad saver weeiiarenfere oF Ffae goesar dara
fara war &, aeét rt ZaA Bars |
wan dager at xen ara H 4g stage fear var’ fH ea
dance adatealt % frat-frat agate Perf ated & ara TT
ead? ceng at 5 arava H araiq 28 6 an weer ogee & aT
farerrey EI
faeita daeott a sefrariire wferarfae 45 areaaety are fat er
ee caret a&t Pritt a @ Par sees axemere farce Hs mera Tact wT
[Two appendices of the Rishibhashit are available, Appendix means
compilation of briefs about contents or themes discussed in the book.
The first appendix is compilation of titles snd second that of subjects.
Both arein Prakrit and contain 6 and 5 couplets respectively.
The appendices have mention of the fortyfive sears/ascetics/sages
whose messages/philosophical and moral teachings have been compiled
in the Rishibhashit,
‘The first couplet of thefirst appendix mentions which of these forty
five sears were contemporary to which Tirthenkar, Thefollowing five
couplets, thatis 2 to 6, contain the names of each of them.
The second appendix mentions thetitles ‘of the forty-five chapters
contained in Rishibhashit. These names have been given by taking the
fitst word of every chapter]