34. aelifnfe meat
3. Doas a common being aspire for anything except physical
walt-being ? He does not, However, such a being mey sometimes desire
death also. These are the means to ruin one’s spirituality,
Warr age Ae, wrorangtg Asa t
foren® freee, 3a fea Fafofear en
ye. aes ararfee Oty S eerver ate fea eee Frey
aaaanes sire eae Tiga grave faafears aa 1
4. Being awareof the myriad ailments and miseries in the world,
the monk should free himself of ego and pride and stay restrained.
qangerage, wKaTg fafafeaq 1
Bg ae ag goed, fremast a staf au
4 ae MeraHye, Fae vga, frafaa ate sravite
armor ae § dia & le wet saza eer alas Ta FPAT aE
5. Steadfast in the five great vows, free from vice and attach-
ment, restrained and austere, the monk is ever content and passes a truly
quiet and undisturbed life.
ao genta state, feat wees |
weagaaagiat @ fag wats wireg ugh
&. Sr areraraarall a ger vat gen 2, fash seit #1 fea
(arm) we frag ate ait area clea 8 ae ae gal FER war,
mica tea git fag gat 21
6. Onenot givento libidinous temptations,shielded from Karmic
ingress, is evertree from all woes and protected from Karmic smear, attains
oa & feed ga fered frend ea ofa seat ATE ot qorefiz
saet gerautaaft far ahr I
afafafearmsnaat wadtert |