29, aged sertt 123
wafea aegal ater, Fao eitay ferareet 7
gee quit arava ; mg tat fafesatas 2 gu
ae aT i oT weg aferged |
a. at aree ata—ware ag we 8 | ear ot aa sare eT
Gar rat HT aaa? a fee sae ga AATF Save FT Mea oT aT
2? we ware gat ae aft ate
feet wat waar afr aT
1. There is a Karmic ingression from all directions. Can't this
inflow be clamped ? Whatis the means of doing so ?
To this query Lord Vardhman, the seer, responded thus—
wate warfaafa, dafg a wi og URN
% aa-asre af at tat gheat ga g ate sas
git st atat sfaat afna € 1 got gf ody efexat a afeaar & ai
wre gn ata2 atc arya gfe gdh afeeat & arery Hira FT
fraren eee 2 1
2. Thefive senses of a vigilant and tranquil saint are dormant
and those of a morally indolent and physically aroused saint active.
A non-vigilant saint engages his senses to Karmic ingestion while a
vigilant saint harnesses these senses to the purgation of Karmas.
ag ataqarara, wooo ay fe atat
roonfer of esasaT, 7 TgeaseT fA ug
3. areata aren mate oT attat meet H gare RT eer AT
aaa wedl F rae a SL site orat—ne seat & wife a aT
3. One should be abjectly inert to words heard through the
ears. Pleasant words should arouse no delight nor unpleasant ones