118 afar a
rarer attat gael, farcit ering geTwT |
fregusiit 1% gaa, augrea at gE etl
Gar aT HAGTT grasa Ber FT gfe Gary F 1 ZaTT
faetter Pt eae FITS 1 TET: POT HT ta I TTA FT 21
9. Exploration =f desire is sa dream.
Its unfulfilmentis again painful, True happiness indeed lies in desiretess-
ariimfargaca, fafeanr fa aerfgat 1
sdifa fafa gt tear, dents faeat sat got!
te. apnit X afrgas ate ace carrey ot fager tise wT
faateeattis BL reat we At oer H fear gree gifs Bh eT ET
10. Libidinous mighty princes with immense resources at the
commandultimately met a compulsive doom.
armatigafaaai, fagrerercsferar |
get wader, gett Haare eet
20. eragefararar (eaeare) srarefagit aT area ar
a aire wa gin oat wares dare Hardy ate Bah area FeAT Zt
14. Asensual character with insatiable itch ever seeks indul-
genceand falls a victim to the multiple woes of this infernal maze called
Sat TweTaTa aT, aaa TAT 1g VU!
Rg. miei arene (wage) woes—ardt & waar wt ahs HT
818 ora qa aa at aif waters Hee geatats Te S|
12. We add to aur mundane travail by multliplying sins, and
paccadillos. Such misdeeds pose an unsnviable catastrophe at the end as,
in case of a defeated old ox.