26. mein meat tos
feet at fafa faaeot, ctafeqsiss tart A of aegaT
afergad 1
ag wrem fren edt at) va faen aft et ate aa | ge Tare
meq mete afer Sa
Such @ Brahmin should constantly grow the crop of divinity, said
Matanga,the seer.
ior Oe, vat att, asrat gaan
wet grat faferet a, dat a att we cit
5. We ATS 1TT Aa daa ge oi cae Aten qa ge
wie wax ggs ud feat att B 1
8. Soulis the field, penances the seed. austerity the plough,
meditation the sharp end of the blade and restraint the fatent energy of the
aasd & aig, fay frond fea |
fafaren a geiter 3, Tar geit a amet ven
a. Srarafaat # ge-sis ven @ diz oft frags far
ara ® gar 3 ( agaaitaar faaait efter &, zor ate ght featey
(are) 21
. One who is innocent amongst the living beings, who is
modest, tolerance is whose car and compassion and self-control whose
rein {is a true Brahmin}.
aeRe Mera, afadt o afret agri
fafasitegeagr, aeavqqacit Tar got!
fe. Beare eg Teama—gar & ) afafe eo fran
(angi at fia) 21d ey ofa (ae weet fae da at go H star
arat@) 3 qacag oie aaaarat H age 81
10, Equanimity is his yoke (for the bullocks). imperturbabitity is
his harness rod, patience is the steadfast hamess and heis devoted to the
gospel of the enlightened.
aa sheaf g, wea war a forfsoren +
Rang gq 8 ator, date wae fata ge