21. aemafogt aan aeaTT
8. Itwasa mark of utter ignorance that Bhadra in grief of her
dead son Supriya devoured his cadaver,
faootat sitaght g, dsitrot & staat 1
aTest at fa fasaei, seometor o fasveft ett
eset area at igfrat ar fees, dato, fram ate
faenrsit st araar weet El eter 2
9. Ignorance defeats the prescription, combination and process-
ing of herbs and drugs andcultivation of expertise.
i at Wa
areal at fer farsaret, oersitirer favafa ugon
to. sa ate ®t Gt attafaat wr farara, data, freroy ate
faerst a araar ane eat o 1
19. Knowledge alonepropitiates @ happy prescription, combina-
tion and processing of herbs and drugs.
wa 8 fag ag fara fara ae afag na os at gah
rem i geaataeeta fe afr a
gamertag fag, ga, face, fasara, fates, Firat ot
gat ant aaa & ate wfaer Hoga: ger sare H et MAT eI
feat # (eq mrarafaga aon af) eat ZI
This is the means, then, for an sspitantto attain purity, anlighten-
ment, piety, abstinence and non-attachment, Such beingis freed of the
chain of reincarations.
Thus, | Gathapatiputra Tarun, the seer, do pronounce.
aarafegs ater arma eaethtat memae Goh ga ARR