inational for me, Ignorant beings keep orbiting is the four phases of
I resolve to attain enlightenment and renounce all woe. | will
stay ever and anon onthe pedestal of equanimity, blissful and unmoved
and be delivered ofall possible woes.
Roney qeet FIA, HOTT TTI WA t
sooeaett dare, fafagt aeaziad uign
Lama goer ee 21 sara ata see gs EC TAT
watcarfeai & farm eerereeger BT ya AT ATA aT
1. The soverest woo is ignorance, ignorance feeds apprefiension.
It is the raat cause of reincarnations.
firm amefa naty, fagat saarcot |
wag Taig arafia, TOOT TARTAR
x. ama & aren at afear, salt ale erat orm @ aga Z 1 ToT
ae amos St HT G1 aaa a sare HT NAY TET wa BL
2. Ignorance leads deers, birds and elephants to bondage and
fish to death. Thre is no graver sin thanignorance.
wet TO oT Aey y, Sat ATOTSATAIOTOT |
some atari, dares T aaa AU
q.gara & at sha ora, ger, BY, Tate BATA TT
wea 8 at a wareraer At eaTTRTe EI
3. It is ignorancethat blights individuals with birth. age. death.
grief and honowr-humiliations. Reincamation is the direct outcomeof
wooo ag ee, Ste TATTATTS |
aenaliraarae, TA FAAATAS WEE
vot sre AT ae oe (fa) afro wa ae
farga gene Heeaae At ara aw darcarac H festafeat FI