18. adn aera 1m
Said Varshap :
One who determinedly shields oneself from butchering, insincere
action, sins of eighteenkinds, subors thefive senses and avoids scrupu-
ously all sinful actions; scopes amputation of limbs and wins the
supreme inviolablestate.
agwt a_eqard a, aeet wast aay
aifeavadl waa, ferafed fagrag gi
8. Fe agit qeft gat der ais & qa et Be Sar 2, ae
rm ay eos Gor aT Bar 4, arfeaaaz—aae we A GTR WET eT
St faga meaate & araaat HT FT BT AAT St
1, Asa sharp-beaked bird evacuates 2 fruit, an enemy ruins an
empire, a lotus stays intact of water, so 4 chastened soul discards alf sins.
ua & fad ga fae fama wa afag oat ord ot got
geand Eeanieafa fa ata!
aftaanranart |
wa mart ag fag, ga, frea, freary, frahaa, stare1a Gt
ead amar 2 ate afar H ga: ga dare H agi ATT I
. ar ¥ (meq aa caf) gat Ft
This is the means, then,for an aspirantto attain purity. enlighten-
ment, emancipation, pisty, abstinence and non-attachmants. Such a being
is freed of the chainofreincarnation.
Thus |, Varshap,the seer, do pronounce.
aby AUTH wSreEat aMETTT TE ga eS!