efiesnfir or
ag atat gt ate FH aafattes at ara 2 (aaife at at ater
smiaaa a) Ber were age ar (Her) Aas RTT AT RT ATATTT
ett gear wera ree a (G4 ATR age} aca afe ay wre area
21 Qa: age er orca Bt aaa-eiea Aa ae wear | BrAAT-
fem ag aa 81 eerT-ziga Fee Bl aed ae fone fate aT sca
Feat $1
A baing may earn infamy due to motivelessness. This is Bahuk’s
thesis. One dedicated ta penances for the purgation of Karmas mayfall
into the destiny leading to desirefree death, and thereafter to infernal
existence. He then reincamates in human species and winsdesirefree
initiation, He devotes himeelf to desirafree nenances and subsequent t
desirefree death wins desiretree ultimate achievement
Waa Teas, AHTAT AWA aa, aaTae Fras Tey
Wa, ARTAT BLA aa, aKTAT HTaaa—fatg Ta asta !
starrer afer afer gar 8, arear alga oneaay wear 8 ae
errr afer gay ata at ara azar 21 (ait) aarp ad wea’,
are Bey aret wear 8, (war ag) gare fate ears at ara SAT g ?
One who has been initiated with motives, performs penances
with motives and subsequenttoit motive-entivened spiritual attainments.
ua a fad gg fae fare wa fag ad a oat
guifa saei geanireafa fa af 1
wr sre ag fee, ge fares, feos, Paafeea, srarerr od got
cart ara2 ate wfaer 8 pr: ge dare A wet TTT 2
inet # (ada arge ef) meat F1
This is the means,then, far an aspirantto attain purity entighten-
ment, emancipation, piety, abstinence and non-attachment. Such a being
is freed of the chain of reinearnations.
Thus I, Bahuk, the scer, do dronounce.
ange ase stegat rem oh ga 1