26 serfs
aiaed gq oieomng, arltaeor-aaol t
stangoacemgt, tfearat sizer 11g 11
2. ae H qeaa Ret Homa shears (faera) gl wT
ae acters gears waar daa TT mE wT ate aT A ET
& ays (342) FE
3. Spiritual indolence ganerates reincarnation. That enjoins upon
the aspirant to doggedly practice spiritualism and asceticism to realise his
true potential.
ert mere, erat afeeag |
masa forrastet, afvong sfeacsenfa fa eu
yarn a ware aerate aut araarit oe frre seat ae
OTeaT FT TAT FRAT gar Prac st fear arae a wT TT
ATT BT TAA HAT gat Fase He 1
4. Let one smother all urges and desires to lend strength 10
human soul. The sinful urges be so manipulated that all endin the
practiceof totally sinfree state.
ea 8 fed ag fad fend wa afaq et ng cit queie
geaed anata fa afa |
aa ware ag faa, ge,fren, foo, Rrafea, Aer ws ge
eat waar 2 ate waa Hoga: ga dare H aet aA 3 |
far (req gatga aftr) sear g1
This is the means, then, for an aspirant toattain purity, enlighten-
mont, emancipation, pisty, abstinence and non-attachment. Sucha being
is freed of the chain of reincarnations.
Thus |, Kurmaputra,the seer, do pronounce.
paige arae areat aenan qef ga|