22 afonits qa
saat aaa Tat, aaasetfaay gh
3. afew cigar ater arg & fer grat wag Ho aTaar & ete
Saaig fersarciga wend cet 8, seit tar ears seat TOT
dl eaara & dareags F wets wea TI
3. As does a rudderless bost, a myopic individual keeps
wandering this ocean-like world.
Aas goa gt xed, ferent J Fue A
aegrafmad g, fag? and fate wen
vy. frome arr BS ge qT} aarA, Ge WATS ag wT
area & fare fafa (aa) a aerara 2 |
4, Providence alane can save such a hopeless being who
tesembies a flower tightly bound andthenfloatedin the windy sky.
gaaaaia a, wget fee aes
va ag fe arani, eananst gatfad Kn
aq. fra care ama we AT eogr gat at ag ya (welt) F
ag aa ¥ areq vag aah et aa, Sat sae SETA S Bat ger
aerR aT aed TR At (wt edt M orHET aT sree) wea at
sia wal Be THAT I
6. The tie keeps the flower bound. Similarly an indiscteet
being san hardly move towards the attainment of his target notwith~
standing the urge ta do so.
st q ve wranfg, iat ar fant
atguinad fa, fagt vag fatz wen
&. ma gat aL ame i adi (xara) Bear 3 wk sell Ht
qa Sera wet daar 2, aged at ee west P apag Baar 3 1 OF
ayaa fet farfis @ aera