afomtes ot 4
aed Maerged sag |
wagacngia ¢ fer waft eg 30
3. aaa areergam HUA ate wer FY TENT HT PEL eT ATCT
sora (arvaat gen weraaest) aadt 3 ah ag Wael aed ZT
a gta gaz, aaea & fea gre fara grat 2 1
3, Such an aspirant embraces thetruth thatis meritorious. He
masters high asceticism and austerity. Thus ridding himself of ali pain,
he purges himself of all Karmic fall-out and attains summum bonum.
3. are alata, ad Adatad, ard Balatarat 1
asd Aadlagmd, act Aalagrad, aed Aatagrad |
wead A outaweJ ae Aes, cag gras Sah wae
Savas 2 | wig aa, Tae agree F qtesy BH gt are F fae
waferta dai é +
3. Theaspirantcultivates truth, charity and continence. They are
the means and it is through these means that oneattains one’s tue
«aaa far ge fred faaa we afag ae oe at
guefa geet gerasafa fer Sf 1
wad areasae |
‘6. BH ware ag Tyefia, gz, fares, From, fathead
Ua qa emt aaa 8 att ag afaer Fe: ge ate (Ware) F agt oraT
g aaig vast weary aaa Bt TE
dar (ate area) sear 21
ANCE ATH a area HT ENT |
4, This is the means, then, for an aspirant to attain purity,
enlightenment, emancipation, sanctity, abstinence and non-attachment.
Such a beingis freed ofthe chain of reincarnations.
‘Thus i, Narada, the soer, do pronounce.