助步步步步步步男劣等雪野野步步步步55555步助步助步步步岁岁的 र जैन परम्परा में यह आगम सभी आगमों में सबसे महान् माना जाता है किन्तु इसका 卐 व्यवच्छेद लगभग १,५00 वर्ष पूर्व हो चुका था। इस ग्रन्थ की विशालता तथा विषयो की + गहनता इतनी अधिक थी कि इसमें निहित ज्ञान को आत्मसात् करने तथा उसे स्मृति में बनाए
रखने के लिए कठोर साधना की आवश्यकता होती थी। इसी कारण काल-प्रभाव से इसका लुप्त 5 म होना अवश्यम्भावी है। जैन मान्यता के अनुसार दृष्टिवाद की प्ररूपणा तीर्थंकर द्वारा की जाती है 5 और प्रत्येक तीर्थंकर के शासनकाल में समयावधि के साथ इसका लोप हो जाता है। भगवान महावीर द्वारा प्रतिपादित दृष्टिवाद का भी उनके निर्वाण के ३00 वर्ष पश्चात् लोप होना
आरम्भ हो गया था और लगभग १,000 वर्ष पश्चात् पूर्णतया लोप हो गया था। ॐ श्रुति परम्परा से उसके विषय में जो अंश मात्र जानकारी उपलब्ध है उसी की चर्चा यहाँ की
गई है।
Elaboration-The Sanskrit transcription of the original Prakrit word-ditthuvaya-is drishtivad or drishtipat. Here both these
appear to be appropriate. Drishti itself has numerous meanings—the + capacity of eyes to see, the capacity of mind to know, opinion, 4 perception, naya (various view points used to know and understand
meaning), and others. Pat means to throw and vad means to tell, to express and also a school of thought (...ism). Thus, this work is basically an encyclopedia of philosophy.
Drishtivad encapsulates all philosophies, the complete storehouse of knowledge, and all possible methods of applying naya (view 4 points). This immense encyclopedia of knowledge has been compiled i in five volumes.
In Jain tradition this Agam is believed to be the greatest among Agams, but it became extinct 1,500 years back. The volume of this
work and the profoundness of the knowledge it contained was so 4 great that understanding it and memorizing it was a task next to
impossible. That is the reason that with passage of time its decline 4 and extinction became inevitable. According to the Jain belief 5 Drishtivad is propagated by a Tirthankar and during the period of fi
influence of every Tirthankar it gradually depletes with passage of si 4 time. The gradual depletion of Drishtivad propagated by Bhagavan 5 Mahavir started 300 years after his nirvana and the great work
became totally extinct a thousand years after his nirvana. 45 Whatever little traditional information is available about it, has
been mentioned here.
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