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(३) वैयावृत्य-स्थंविर, रोगी, तपस्वी, नवदीक्षित एवं पूज्य जनों की यथाशक्ति सेवा
करना। (४) स्वाध्याय-शास्त्र वाचना, पृच्छना आदि पाँच प्रकार का स्वाध्याय करना। (५) ध्यान-शुभ ध्यान-धर्म एवं शुक्ल ध्यान में लीन रहना। (६) व्युत्सर्ग-बाह्य व आभ्यन्तर परिग्रह का यथाशक्ति त्याग करना अथवा ममता का
त्याग और समता की वृद्धि करना। (v) वीर्याचार-वीर्य का अर्थ है शक्ति। अपने बल एवं शक्ति को उपरोक्त ३६ प्रकार के शुभ अनुष्ठानों में पूरी एकनिष्ठता से प्रयुक्त करना तथा मोक्षमार्ग में प्रयत्नशील रहना ही फ्र वीर्याचार है।
Elaboration--Achar means conduct or behavior. The procedure 551 of acquiring knowledge, that was followed by the great sages of the
past is achar. The book in which this subject has been discussed is 45 also called achar. In the Shraman tradition it means—the conduct 5 based scripture in which mainly the subject of codes of conduct of
shraman nirgranth (Jain ascetic) has been discussed in complete 5 detail is known as Acharang Sutra.
The five subjects included in this are as follows
I. Jnanachar (knowledge-conduct or conduct of cognition)—The 41 conduct necessary for acquisition of new knowledge and protecti
already acquired knowledge is Jnanachar. There are eight types of practices designed to accomplish this ____1. Kaal-To study a particular Agam at a specific time of the
day as prescribed in Agams. 2. Vinaya-To have respect and devotion for knowledge and
teacher while studying and otherwise also. 3. Bahuman-To have deep faith and esteem for knowledge
and teacher. 4. Updhaan--During the study of a particular sutra, to
observe the specific austerities as prescribed in Agams.
Without accompanying austerities no study is fruitful. 5. Aninhavan-Not to try to conceal the names of knowledge
and teacher.
श्री नन्दीसत्र (३८२ )
Shri Nandisutra 4 ममममममम50
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