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* प्रश्न-हेतु उपदेश में संज्ञीश्रुत किस प्रकार का है ? + उत्तर-जिसमें बुद्धि द्वारा आलोचनापूर्वक क्रिया करने की शक्ति है उस प्राणी को संज्ञी, ॐ कहते हैं। जिसमें बुद्धि द्वारा आलोचनापूर्वक क्रिया करने की शक्ति नहीं है उस प्राणी को असंज्ञी कहते हैं। तत्संबंधी ज्ञान हेतु-उपदेश से संज्ञीश्रुत अथवा असंज्ञीश्रुत कहलाता है।
प्रश्न-दृष्टिवाद उपदेश से संज्ञीश्रुत किस प्रकार का है ?
उत्तर-जिसके संज्ञीश्रुत का क्षयोपशम हुआ हो उस जीव को संज्ञी कहते हैं। जिसके असंज्ञीश्रुत का क्षयोपशम हुआ हो उस जीव को असंज्ञी कहते हैं। तत्संबंधी ज्ञान दृष्टिवाद-उपदेश से संज्ञीश्रुत अथवा असंज्ञीश्रुत कहलाता है।
इस प्रकार संज्ञी तथा असंज्ञीश्रुत का वर्णन पूर्ण हुआ। 74. Question-What is this sanjni shrut?
Answer-Sanjni shrut is said to be of three types—1) with $ reference to kaliki upadesh, 2) with reference to hetu upadesh, and 3) with reference to drishtivad upadesh
Question-What is this with reference to kaliki upadesh? 5 Answer-Those who have iha, apoh, margana, gaveshana, si Si chinta and vimarsh are called sanjni (sentient) beings. Those :
who do not have iha, apoh, margana, gaveshana, chinta and
vimarsh are called asanjni (non-sentient) beings. The 4 knowledge of these is called sanjni shrut or asanjni shrut with 4 reference to kaliki upadesh.
Question-What is this with reference to hetu upadesh?
Answer—That which has the capacity to act according to 5 analysis through wisdom is called sanjni being. That which does s 4 not have the capacity to act according to analysis through 4 i wisdom is called asanjni (non-sentient) being. The knowledge of
these is called sanjni shrut or asanjni shrut with reference to $hetu upadesh.
Question—What is this with reference to drishtivad upadesh?
Answer—That who has had kshayopasham of sanjni shrut is a called sanjni (sentient) being. That who has had kshayopasham श्री नन्दीसूत्र
( ३४६ )
Shri Nandisutra 步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步步牙牙牙牙牙牙
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