中国55岁当场断断断断%岁岁的断货55%的脂奶贤断资助金 La Elaboration-These two divisions of Manah-paryav jnana are 5
qualitative only. In brief it can be said that while a rijumati sees and so 4 knows only generally, a vipul mati sees and knows the same subject 5 specially. In other words he sees and knows without any doubt and
ter detail. with more clarity and in greater detail.
There is a difference of opinion among scholarly acharyas with regard to seeing' and knowing' because the activity related to 5 manah-paryav-jnana is knowing, not seeing but here the Prakrit
term pasai has been used, which means to see. A detailed k discussion on this subject is available in Visheshavashyak Bhashya.
In simple terms this ambiguity can be explained as—to see the thoughts that have been manifested as particles of manovargana
(thought category) and to know those which have not yet been so i manifested but are still at the thought level only.
Matter-Jain metaphysics has discussed matter minutely. It defines blocks or atoms as constituents of matter and ultimate particles as constituents of atoms; going further it defines different properties and variations of ultimate particles. Not only this, it has
also dealt with in great details the much larger expanse of inhabited 4 space and the empty space beyond the visible planetary system.
Space-Taking the eight ruchak pradesh, located at the middle of Si the inhabited space, as the central point six cardinal points and four i intermediate points of the compass divide the outer space. In this 551 middle section are situated two and a half continents and two oceans.
This circular area is also known as the time zone. Its length and breadth is 4.5 million yojans. This is the living area of human beings.
Time-Jain metaphysics has also discussed time minutely and in 45 great detail. The ultimate fractional unit of time which is described as the inexpressible fraction of one second is known as samaya. Beyond the countable are the much larger conceptual units like
palyopam, sagaropam, etc. The three common categories of time'i past, present and future—have also been elaborated by dividing them 45
into these minute and vast units. A manah-paryav-jnani not only
clearly sees and knows the thoughts (manah-paryaya or modes of 5 mind) of the present but also belonging to the past and the future up 4 i to an inexpressible fraction of one palyopam. मन:पर्यवज्ञान का स्वरूप
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