(४९) SI र “उसी प्रकार आयुष्मान् श्रमणों ! जो साधु या साध्वी दीक्षा लेने के बाद क्षमा, मुक्ति (निर्लोभ), डा 15 आर्जव, मार्दव, लाघव, सत्य, तप, त्याग, अकिंचनता, ब्रह्मचर्य, आदि श्रमण-धर्मों से हीन होता है
र वह उक्त क्षमा आदि गुणों से भी हीन, हीनतर होता जाता है। क्रमशः उसके क्षमा, निर्लोभता आदि टी 15 गुण नष्ट होते हैं और अन्ततः उसका ब्रह्मचर्य भी नष्ट हो जाता है।
15 MAHAVIR'S EXPLANATION 12 5. "Gautam! During the dark fortnight of a month the moon on the first K night is less white, soft, soothing, and glowing as compared to the moon of a 5 the previous night (the full moon night). Similarly it is low in its intensity, contrast, shadow, brilliance, radiance, rays, and orb.
"In all these properties the moon of the second night of the dark fortnight 12 declines further as compared to the moon of the first night. 15. "After this the moon of the third night of the dark fortnight is even more cl
5 reduced as compared to the moon of the second night. Simi IP reducing gradually every day. The moon on the dark night (moon-less night)
is inferior even as compared with the moon of the fourteenth night of the B dark fortnight and is devoid of all the above said properties. 15 “Similarly, O long living Shramans! The ascetic who after accepting S
Diksha starts to decline in any or all of the prescribed virtues of ascetics like 12 clemency, beneficence, simplicity, humility, Laghav (extreme atrophy of ego
and desire for possessions), truthfulness, asceticism, detachment, modesty, a I and Brahmacharya (absolute constancy of spiritual pursuit; also celibacy) ट 15 goes on declining in the said virtues. One after the other he continues to lose C 15 these virtues and in the end he loses his Brahmacharya also.
र सूत्र ६ : से जहा वा सुक्कपक्खस्स पाडिवयाचंदे अमावसाए चंदं पणिहाय अहिए वण्णेणं से 15 जाव अहिए मंडलेणं,
तयाणंतरं च णं बिइयाचंदे पडिवयाचंदं पणिहाय अहिययराए वण्णेणं जाव अहियतराए दी 15 मंडलेणं। 15 एवं खलु एएणं कमेणं परिवुड्ढेमाणे जाव पुण्णिमाचंदे चाउद्दसिं चंदं पणिहाय पडिपुण्ण द
र वण्णेणं जाव पडिपुण्णे मंडलेणं। 15 एवामेव समणाउसो ! जाव पव्वइए समाणे अहिए खंतीए जाव बंभचेरवासेणं, तयाणंतरं च टा रेणं अहिययराए खंतीए जाव बंभचेरवासेणं। एवं खलु एएणं कमेणं परिवड्ढेमाणे परिवड्ढेमाणे
र जाव पडिपुण्णे बंभचेरवासेणं, एवं खलु जीवा वड्ढंति वा हायंति वा। 15 CHAPTER-10 : THE MOON
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