( ३८४ )
ज्ञाताधर्मकथांग सूत्र
में नगर का नाम मथुरा, उद्यान का नाम चन्द्रावतंसक, गाथापति का नाम चन्द्रप्रभ, गाथापली का नाम चन्द्रश्री और पुत्री का नाम चन्द्रप्रभा था । मृत्यु के पश्चात् वह चन्द्र नाम के ज्योतिष्क इन्द्र की अग्रमहिषी के रूप में जन्मी । उसकी आयु पचास हजार वर्ष अधिक अर्ध पल्योपम की है। शेष तीनों देवियों का वृत्तान्त भी मथुरा नगरी से आरम्भ होता है और समान है।
75. During that period of time the goddess named Chandraprabha was sitting on a throne named Chandraprabha in the Viman named Chandraprabh. All other details are the same as in the case of Goddess Kali. The difference is that in the story of her earlier incarnation the name of the city was Mathura, the name of the garden was Chandravatansak, the name of the citizen was Chandraprabh, the name of his wife was Chandrashri and that of his daughter was Chandraprabha. After her death she reincarnated as a principal queen of Chandra, a Jyotishka Indra. Her life-span is half Palyopam and fifty thousand years. The details about the remaining three goddesses are also same and start in the Mathura city.
Jain Education International
॥ अमो वग्गो समत्तो ॥ ॥ आठवाँ वर्ग समाप्त ॥
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