Tuntura 12 (8)
ज्ञाताधर्मकथांग सूत्र SI 15 fifteenth, fourteenth and eighth days of every fortnight, he presented himself and offered a 15 help to the needy. They should go to the eastern garden and seek his help. " The sons of Makandi at once rushed to the eastern garden and started doing worship of 9 ► the deity in the prescribed manner. The Yaksha came and they sought his help. 5 Shailak said, "When you are half way through the sea with me the goddess will try to 15 distract you. If you give heed to her gestures, I will throw you off my back. However, if you L5 ignore her gestures I will free you from her clutches."
The sons of Makandi accepted the condition. Shailak transformed himself into a giant 5 horse. The sons of Makandi saluted Shailak and rode his back. The Yaksha commenced its
flight over the sea in the direction of Champa. 2 When the evil goddess returned and found no trace of them she used her Avadhi Jnana
(extra sensory perception of the physical world) and saw them crossing the sea with Shailak.
She lost her temper and arrived near them with divine speed. When she came near them she Kuttered, "O sons of Makandi! you can save yourselves only if you love and desire me.
Otherwise I will behead you with this blue sword of mine." 15 The sons of Makandi did not lose their composure at this outburst. The goddess now 5 resorted to her enticements, but in vain. She then peeped into the mind of Jinarakshit
through her Avadhi Jnana. When she saw some weakness there she at once tried to exploit
it. Jinarakshit was allured and he looked at the goddess. Shailak became aware of his < » turning. He at once pushed Jinarakshit off of his back.
The she-devil saw helpless Jinarakshit falling from the back of Shailak and with her s Psword she sliced Jinarakshit into pieces and threw them in all direction. Later the evilB goddess approached Jinapalit and tried to disturb him in vain and returned to her abode.
Carrying Jinapalit over the sea, Shailak at last reached Champa city. Jinapalit went to 5 his parents and tearfully gave the news of the demise of Jinarakshit. Vanquishing his grief a 15 in due course, Jinapalit resumed his normal life. » When Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir arrived in the Champa city Jinapalit got initiated. ? He left his earthly body after a month long fast and reincarnated as a god. From there he
will be reborn in the Maha-videh area and obtain liberation.
JNĀTĀ DHARMA KATHĀNGA SŪTRA A Sinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
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