Mental granths are of fourteen types--(1) anger, (2) conceit, (3) illusion, (4) greed, (5) love, (6) aversion, (7) falsity, (8) sex, (9) apathy, (10) liking, (11) laughter, (12) grief, (13) fear, and (14) repugnance.
(Brihatkalp, ch. 1, verses 10-14) The popular meaning of the word moha is attachment or intense fondness. In Jain Agams this word has been used to convey numerous meanings. Attachment and aversion both are moha (Sutrakritanga 1/4/2/22). Some other meanings are-loss of discerning attitude (Sthananga 3/4); lack of judgment of good and bad (Uttaradhyayan 3); ignorance (Uttaradhyayan 3); ill will (Visheshavashyak); foolishness (Jnata 1/8); agitated state of mind (Sutrakritanga 1/4/1/31); falsity and passion; craving for indulgence (Acharanga Tika by Sheelanka).
To understand wrong or opposite form of truth is called darshan
moha (false perception) and craving for indulgence is called charitrawemoha or mis-conduct.
(Pravachanasar 85) In Agams 'narak' word has been used to convey the meaning of the place or dimension where sinners are tortured (Sutra Vritti 2/1 and Rajavartik 2/50/2-3). In Sutrakritanga Tika (commentary) ‘narak' word has been elaborated in many ways. Bad or obnoxious shape, taste, smell and sound are also believed to be ‘nokarma dravya-narak' (the hell physically manifested in subtle activities). Further acquisition of karmas, through hell-like suffering caused by precipitation of karmas acquired in the past, is called bhava-narak (mental hell). Violence (himsa) is also called narak because it is the most potent cause of acquiring karmas leading to hell; in fact so potent that it is the embodiment of narak. The mental state of a himsak (who indulges in acts of violence) is as cruel and evil as that of a hell-being.
(Sutrakritanga 1/5/1) Thus himsa is said to be a granthi (knot) because it ties knots of karmas; moha (illusion) because it is the source of foolishness and craving; maar (blow) because it is the instrument of death; and narak (hell) because the fruit of himsa is hell. आचारांग सूत्र
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Illustrated Acharanga Sutra
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