सहसा उपसर्ग उपस्थित होने पर या अकस्मात् जंघा-बल आदि क्षीण हो जाने पर, शरीर शून्य या बेहोश हो जाने पर, हठात् बीमारी का प्राणान्तक आक्रमण हो जाने पर तथा स्वयं में उठने-बैठने आदि की बिलकुल शक्ति न होने पर आकस्मिक अनशन किया जाता है।
पूर्व उद्देशकों में आकस्मिक अनशनों का वर्णन था, इस उद्देशक में क्रम-प्राप्त अनशन का वर्णन है। इसे आनुपूर्वी अनशन, अव्याघात, सपराक्रम और सविचार अनशन भी कहा जाता है।
(नियुक्ति २६३) समाधिमरण के लिए (१) संयम, (२) ज्ञान, (३) धैर्य, और (४) निर्मोह भाव। चार बातें आवश्यक हैं; इन चारों का संकेत इस सूत्र में दिया गया है।
Elaboration—To abandon food (etc.) with the intent of meditational death is called anashan or fasting. This is of two types-progressive and sudden, or intentional and coincidental, or uninterrupted and interrupted. The gradual fasting is here called anupurvi.
In commentaries (Niryukti and Tika) the progression is stated as--After getting initiated an ascetic undergoes education (acquire knowledge). He understands the meaning of the canonical texts and then leads an itinerant life. In due course when he becomes old and emaciated he wishes to embrace a meditational death. He starts fasting for meditational death (anashan). These fasts are mainly of three types--(1) Bhaktapratyakhyan (mentioned in fifth lesson), (2) Inginimaran (mentioned in sixth lesson), and (3) Padapopagaman (mentioned in seventh lesson).
To select any one of these three; indulge in regular practice of getting detached from (1) ahar (food), (2) upadhi (imposture), and (3) sharir (body); and in the end to embrace meditational death after begging forgiveness from all and purifying the self through critical review and atonement. This process is called Anupurvi (gradual or progressive) Anashan here. According to acharyas
Sanlekhana (ultimate vow) is done in circumstances like drought, old age, incurable fatal disease, and gradual depletion of the strength of the body.
(Ratankarandak Shravakachar 122) विमोक्ष : अष्टम अध्ययन
( ४३७)
Vimoksha : Eight Chapter
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