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शास्त्र में बताया गया है कि पाँच कारणों से अचेलकत्व प्रशस्त होता है। जैसे कि
(१) उसकी प्रतिलेखना कम होती है।
(२) उसका लाघव प्रशस्त होता है।
(३) उसका रूप (वेश) विश्वास योग्य होता है।
(४) उसका तप जिनेन्द्र द्वारा अनुज्ञात होता है।
(५) उसे विपुल इन्द्रिय - निग्रह होता है ।
सम्मत्तमेव समभिजाणिया- इस वाक्य का अर्थ है - भगवदुक्त उपधि-विमोक्ष को सब प्रकार से सर्वात्मना जानकर सचेलक - अचेलक दोनों अवस्थाओं में समभाव का आचरण करे। दोनों ही मार्ग आत्मा को कर्मों से मुक्त करने वाले हैं।
Elaboration-These two aphorism are meant for ascetics with special resolves (pratima) or Jinakalpis with the view of practicing freedom from possessions, like clothes and other equipment. An ascetic who has taken a vow to have no more possessions than three clothing and a bowl, should not desire for having a fourth clothing even during afflictions like cold. Only if he is short of the numbers he has vowed for, he can accept another clothing.
According to the commentaries (Tika and Churni) Jinakalpi and Sthavir-kalpi ascetics can keep three clothing. A Jinakalpi can reduce this number to two, one, or none.
The rule about pots-The commentator (Tika) accepts the term pot (begging bowl) as inclusive of things essentially associated with a pot. These include (1) Patra, (2) Patra-bandhan, (3) Patrasthapan, (4) Patra-kesari, (5) Patal, (6) Rajastran, and (7) Gochhak (the first of these is pot and the remaining are different shapes and sizes of pieces of cloth used for specified purposes). These seven things, three clothing, one ascetic broom and one mouth cover, make twelve pieces of ascetic-equipment prescribed for Jinakalpi and Pratimadhari (observing special vows) ascetics.
Ascetic wearing unaltered clothing-An ascetic should not have some special liking or preferences concerning his dress, he
विमोक्ष : अष्टम अध्ययन
Vimoksha: Eight Chapter
Jain Education International
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