sources of inflow of karmas; (3) upasham-pacification of passions like anger; (4) nirvana-the means of attaining the state of natural bliss of the soul, or the method of gaining stability of mind; (5) shauch-cleansing or absence of greed; (6) arjav-simplicity or sincerity; (7) mardav-freedom from conceit; humbleness; (8) laghava-modesty and limitation of ascetic equipment; or lightness.
Anai vattiyam-that statement which does not transgress the tenets of Tirthankars. They should properly expound religion conforming to the Agams.
In this aphorism anuvi-i has been used twice. This conveys that one should indulge in repeated and careful deliberation and analysis before giving a religious discourse.
Vibhaye-after categorization or due consideration. First step of this process is to explain the basics of religion in antithetical, analytical and other such styles of oration. The direction about the second thought by using anuvi-i points at avoiding ashatana (neglect or insolence) of others as well as the self. Ashatana means to cause obstruction, harm or pain to someone. Dravya (physical) ashatana is related to body, equipment and food. Bhava (mental) ashatana is related to knowledge, perception and conduct.
While preaching he should consider conditions of place and time, worthiness and dedication of the listener, and various other factors. He should be aware of the fact that if the listener is in a disturbed state of mind he may get annoyed or angry and harm the preacher.
१९८. से अणासादए अणासादमाणे वज्झमाणाणं पाणाणं भूताणं जीवाणं सत्ताणं, जहा से दीवे असंदीणे एवं से भवइ सरणं महामुणी ।
एवं से उट्ठिए ठियप्पा अणिहे अचले चले अबहिलेस्से परिव्वए ।
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१९८. (वह धर्मकथी) किसी भी प्राणी को बाधा न पहुँचाने वाला तथा जिससे प्राण, भूत, जीव और सत्व का वध न हो, ऐसा धर्म व्याख्यान दे। वह महामुनि असंदीन द्वीप की तरह संसार-प्रवाह में डूबते हुए प्राणों, भूतों, जीवों और सत्वों के लिए शरणभूत होता है।
धुत: छठा अध्ययन
( ३५९ )
Dhut: Sixth Chapter
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