तुम यह भी देखो ! (संयम से च्युत होने वाले) शुद्ध आचार वालों के बीच शिथिलाचारी, संयम के प्रति समर्पित मुनियों के बीच असमर्पित; विरत मुनियों के बीच
अविरत तथा चारित्र-सम्पन्न साधुओं के बीच चारित्रहीन होते हैं। _१९६. पण्डित, मेधावी, निष्ठितार्थ वीर मुनि संयम-भ्रष्ट होने के परिणामों को भलीभाँति जानकर आगम के अनुसार संयम में पराक्रम करे।
- # Chen I
194. Some people believe and say what have they to do with these selfish relatives ? They abandon parents, relatives and possessions and like a brave get initiated into the ascetic order properly. They become non-violent, steadfast in conduct and subjugators of senses.
O disciple ! See these wretched and corrupt aspirants falling ! These cowards tormented by mundane pleasures turn into violators of their ascetic pledges.
195. The fame of some of these Shramans becomes sinful (censurable). (People say—) "This Shraman is deluded, this Shraman is apostate."
You should also see that among those who are steadfast, there are Shramans who are lax in their conduct; among those who are dedicated to ascetic discipline there are Shramans who are not dedicated to discipline, among those who are free from mundauce indulgences. These are Shramans who are not free from them; among those who are endowed with right conduct. There are Shramans who are not endowed with right conduct.
196. Realizing the consequences of drifting away from ascetic discipline, a learned, wise, accomplished and brave ascetic should pursue the path of discipline as defined in Agams.
--So I say धुत : छठा अध्ययन
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Dhut: Sixth Chapter
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