___ कुछ साधक (परीषहों से) आक्रान्त होने पर (सुखपूर्वक) जीवन जीने के निमित्त से संयम छोड़ बैठते हैं। उनका गृहवास से निष्क्रमण भी दुनिष्क्रमण हो जाता है, क्योंकि साधारण (अज्ञ) जनों द्वारा भी वे निन्दनीय हो जाते हैं तथा वे पुनः पुनः जन्म धारण करते हैं।
वे ज्ञान-दर्शन-चारित्र में निम्न-स्तर के होते हुए भी अपने को ही विद्वान् मानकर 'मैं ही सर्वाधिक विद्वान् हूँ', इस प्रकार अहंकार करते हैं। जो उनसे उदासीन (तटस्थ) रहते हैं, उन्हें वे कठोर वचन बोलते हैं। वे (उन तटस्थ मुनियों के पूर्व-आचरित-गृहवास के समय किए हुए) कर्म (पलियं) को लेकर निन्द्य वचन बोलते हैं। अथवा असत्य आरोप लगाकर उन्हें बदनाम करते हैं, उन्हें अपशब्द कहते हैं।
बुद्धिमान् मुनि इन सब को धर्म-शून्य जनों की चेष्टा समझकर अपने धर्म को भलीभाँति जाने-पहचाने।
192. They defame those ascetics who are righteous, and serene, and sincere in following ascetic conduct by calling them non-righteous. This way those fools multiply their folly.
Some of these ascetics who abandon ascetic discipline offer due respect to those who remain unclad and are upright in conduct. But the ignorant who have abandoned the path of knowledge become antagonists of right perception and instigate others to abandon the right path by planting doubt in their mind.
Many seekers although dedicated (to acharyas and Tirthankars) still abandon the ascetic path.
Some aspirants abandon the path of discipline for the sake of (comforts of) life when oppressed (by affliction). Their renouncing household turns into ill-renunciation because they become objects of censure even to common people. Also, they are born and reborn time and again.
Although they are at a lower level of knowledge-perceptionconduct, they consider themselves to be scholars and project their ego—“I am the top most scholar.” They use harsh language with those who do not recognize them. They slander धुत : छठा अध्ययन
( ३४७ )
Dhut : Sixth Chapter
Jain Education International
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