Elaboration–Santi pana andha-elaborating this phrase the commentator (Vritti) mentions—There are two types of blinddravya-andha or physically blind and bhava-andha or mentally blind. Physically blind is devoid of the capacity to see. Mentally blind is devoid of the capacity to differentiate right from wrong. Darkness is also of two types. Absence of light is physical darkness, such as that prevailing in hell and places on earth where light does not reach. The passions, false perception, and other such vices caused by precipitation of karmas are forms of the mental darkness.
Bahudukkha-great miseries. This points at the superabundance of grief in this world. Some of these miseries are natural, such as birth, ageing, ailments and death. Some sorrows are caused by natural calamities and some others are caused by mental cravings or attachment. The gravest misery is said to be caused by attachment; the attachment with the body, wealth, carnal pleasures, etc. It is said about the miseries caused by attachment that the afflicted one suffers pain and is plagued by various ailments. After this, he kills and tortures many beings to get treatment requiring violence towards animals (such as biological medicines). The author says that the basic cause of disease is karmas accumulated in the past. Ponder over this. The normal system of medicine is insufficient in the complete cure of diseases. Therefore try to get free of the bondage of karmas and abandon violence. In this context the 19th chapter, titled Mrigaputriya, of Uttaradhyayan Sutra is worth studying. 'धुत' बनने की क्रमिक प्रक्रिया
१८२. आयाण भो ! सुस्सूस भो ! धुयवादं पवेदइस्सामि।
इह खलु अत्तत्ताए तेहिं तेहिं कुलेहिं अभिसेएण अभिसंभूता अभिसंजाता अभिणिव्वट्टा अभिसंवुड्ढा अभिसंबुद्धा अभिणिक्खंता अणुपुव्वेण महामुणी।
१८२. हे मुने ! तुम जानो, सुनने की इच्छा करो, मैं (अब) धुतवाद का प्ररूपण CDOVITI आचारांग सूत्र
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Illustrated Acharanga Sutra
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