or special abilities are also counted among the impeding factors in spiritual practices. To depend on these is to make a soul weak and dependent. In the same way to expect continued help from others also makes a soul dependent and weak. A sincere aspirant does not depend on others or help, praise, or prestige coming from others.
Bhagavan Mahavir has advised every seeker in the fields of religion and philosophy to pursue independent thinking. He has asked to examine his tenets as well as those of others-an ascetic should first understand the tenets he follows and then examine tenets of others. The precondition is that while examining he should be completely impartial, balanced and eqanimous. When he examines with impartiality the schools of thought of others and his own, the superiority of the philosophy of the Detached will automatically be revealed on him.
१७४. णिसं णाइवट्टेज्जा मेहावी। सुपडिलेहिय सव्वओ सव्वयाए सम्ममेव समभिजाणिया। इह आरामं परिण्णाय अल्लीणगुत्तो परिव्वए। निट्ठियही वीरे आगमेणं सदा परक्कमेज्जासि। त्ति बेमि। १७४. मेधावी पुरुष निर्देश (तीर्थंकरादि के आदेश-उपदेश) का अतिक्रमण न करे।
वह सब प्रकार से भलीभाँति विचार करके सम्पूर्ण रूप से साम्य (सम्यक्त्व/सत्य) को जाने। ___ इस (साम्य भाव) के परिशीलन में आत्म-रमण की परिज्ञा करके आत्मलीन होकर विचरण करे।
मोक्षार्थी अथवा संयम-साधना द्वारा निष्ठितार्थ (कृतार्थ) वीर मुनि आगम में निर्दिष्ट मार्ग के अनुसार पराक्रम करे। ___ -ऐसा मैं कहता हूँ।
174. An accomplished person should not transgress the directions (the preaching or order of Tirthankars, etc.).
He should understand the truth (righteousness) after proper contemplation. लोकसार : पंचम अध्ययन
( २९७ )
Lokasara : Fifth Chapter
Jain Education International
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