वह (गीतार्थ पुरुष ) जाता हुआ, वापस लौटता हुआ, अंगों को सिकोड़ता हुआ, फैलाता ( पसारता हुआ ) समस्त अशुभ प्रवृत्तियों से निवृत्त होकर, सम्यक् प्रकार से परिमार्जन (रजोहरणादि से) करता हुआ संयमपूर्वक समस्त क्रियाएँ करे ।
163. The solitary movement of an ascetic who furtively (prematurely) wanders from one village to another is fraught with disturbances and is foolhardy (against the codes of conduct).
An immature person gets irritated when he hears even slightly unpleasant words.
Moving alone, he is deluded with the pride of considering himself to be the best. He is repeatedly tormented by afflictions and disease. An ignorant and apostate cannot cross those hurdles.
I will furtively lead a solitary life. Such thought should never cross your mind.
This is the philosophy (preaching) of the accomplished (Mahavir).
A mature aspirant should have single minded attention on that (the philosophy of the Detached Mahavir). He should get engrossed in the path propagated by him. He should move about keeping only that before him. He should always remember that. He should live completely engulfed by it.
An ascetic should be careful in his movement. He should focus his attention only on movement (progress). He should move seeing the path cautiously every moment. When he sees animals and creatures, he should stop advancing his steps and while moving, avoid the beings coming in his path.
That wise person should indulge in all activities including going, returning, constricting and spreading limbs, only after composing himself, getting rid of all bad attitudes and cleansing properly (with the help of ascetic-broom).
लोकसार : पंचम अध्ययन
( २७१ )
Jain Education International
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Lokasara: Fifth Chapter