परिज्ञा और विवेक आन्तरिक युद्ध के दो शस्त्र' हैं। परिज्ञा से वस्तु का ज्ञान और विवेक से उसकें पृथक्करण की दृढ़ भावना की जाती है। मुनि ज्ञान एवं विवेक के द्वारा राग-द्वेष को जीतता है। विवेक कई प्रकार का होता है जैसे-धन, परिवार, शरीर, इन्द्रियाँ, मन आदि से पृथक्त्व/भिन्नता का चिन्तन करना-परिग्रह-विवेक है। कर्म से आत्मा के पृथक्त्व की दृढ़ भावना करना कर्म-विवेक है और विभावों से आत्मा को पृथक् समझना भाव-विवेक है।
Elaboration–These aphorisms contain advise to shift from outer fights to inner fights. Bhagavan says--Son ! You have to indulge in inner struggle and not the outer one. You have to fight with the gross body and the karmas. This audarik-sharir (physical body) craves for pleasure. It has become reckless and makes you dance to its tunes. Fight with it. Also fight with the karmic body that enslaves you with the help of lust and other such attitudes. You have to weaken the karmas through inner struggle with the karmic body and the gross body.
At some places we find juddhariyam cha dullaham instead of juddhariham. According to the commentator (Vritti) this means-- Fight is of two types--not noble and noble. To fight with weapons and other such equipment is not noble. To fight against inner enemies like afflictions (passions, etc.) is noble and it is difficult. Therefore, have a noble fight with afflictions.
To try to win over hunger, thirst, pleasure, comfort, etc. is struggle with the body. To try to win over fondness, passions, etc. is struggle with the karmas.
Awareness or knowledge and vivek (discerning attitude or ability to discern) are the two weapons for inner struggle. Awareness leads to knowledge about a thing and vivek leads to a strong desire of separation or riddance from it. An ascetic wins over attachment and aversion with the help of knowledge and vivek. Vivek is of many types; for example, to think about variance or distinct existence with respect to wealth, family, body, sense organs, mind, etc. is called parigraha-vivek (discerning attitude about attachment). To have a strong feeling about the distinct existence of soul with respect to
karmas karma-vivek (discerning attitude about karma), and to * आचारांग सूत्र
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Ilustrated Acharanga Sutra
Jain Education International
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