ready to get initiated in the ascetic order. Where is the question of a 9 fall when they did not rise at all.
The following points have been indicated for gaining stability in ascetic conduct . (1) The seeker should strive for the tenets. He should have faith in the tenets of the Tirthankars and the knowledge contained in the Agams propagated by them.
(2) He should be a pundit or should have the capacity to discern between right and wrong.
(3) He should be free of any attachments.
(4) He should devote the first and the last quarters of night to religious activities and be alert in studies and meditation.
(5) He should be sincere in right conduct. This has four categories—(1) Observing great vows, (2) Maintaining stability in discipline of mind, speech and body, (3) Disciplining the five sense
organs, and (4) Controlling four passions including anger. 19 (6) He should listen to the ultimate fundamental which is the
essence of this world and be free of lust desires and greed. ___(7) He should become free of any inner agitations (deceit and quarrel).
With the help of all these various methods an ascetic should continue to progress on his path. अंतर युद्ध १६0. इमेण चेव जुज्झाहि, किं ते जुज्झेण बज्झओ ? जुद्धारिहं खलु दुल्लहं। जहेत्थ कुसलेहिं परिण्णाविवेगे भासिए। चुए हु बाले गब्भाइसु रज्जइ। अस्सिं चेयं पवुच्चइ रूवंसि वा छणंसि वा। से हु एगे संविद्धपहे मुणी अण्णहा लोगमुवेहमाणे।
१६0. इसी (कर्म-शरीर) के साथ युद्ध कर, दूसरों के साथ युद्ध करने में तुझे क्या मिलेगा? * आचारांग सूत्र
( २६४ )
Illustrated Acharanga Sutra
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