(२) पण्डित हो-सद्-असद् विवेकी हो। (३) आसक्ति से रहित हो।
(४) पूर्व रात्रि (प्रथम प्रहर) और अपर रात्रि (अंतिम प्रहर) में स्वाध्याय, ध्यान में अप्रमत्त रहकर धर्म जागरणा करे।
(५) शील-सम्प्रेक्षा करे। शील-सम्प्रेक्षा के चार भेद हैं-(१) महाव्रतों की आराधना, (२) मन-वचन-काया के योगों की रक्षा, (३) पञ्चेन्द्रिय संयम, और (४) क्रोधादि चार कषायों का निग्रह।
(६) लोक में सारभूत परमतत्त्व का श्रवण करके कामनारहित, इच्छा एवं लोभ से मुक्त रहे। (७) झंझा (माया या कलह) से रहित हो जाय। इन विविध उपायों का सहारा लेकर मुनि अपने मार्ग में सतत आगे बढ़ता रहे।
Elaboration—There are differences or grades in the attitudes of all beings. Keeping this fact in mind three types of aspirants have been shown here
(1) Some aspirant renounces mundane life with a strong lion-like attitude and all his life remains stable with the same attitude of detachment. He rises first and does not fall later. Examples of this type are-Ganadhars, Dhanna and Shalibhadra.
(2) Some aspirant renounces mundane life with a strong lion-like attitude but later acquires a weak jackal-like attitude. This is the second type-rises first and falls later. Some examples of this type are-Nandishen and Kundareek who accepted initiation with great enthusiasm and detachment but later, due to influence of Mohaniya karma, became lax in discipline and fell from grace.
The commentator has given two more types
(3) Some aspirant, in the first instance, does not get initiated and later looses right faith also. As an example one can take an indoctrinated shravak who does not advance enough to get initiated
as an ascetic and looses right faith also, when in trouble. .. (4) The fourth type is of a person who neither rises at first nor
falls later. Examples of this type are ignorant hermits who are not लोकसार : पंचम अध्ययन
( २६३ )
Lokasara : Fifth Chapter
Jain Education International
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