TP happiness and misery of all beings in this world from the angle of
universal equality (equality with one's own self) is called the best among scholars in the world of philosophy.
Dand-attitude of causing harm to beings with mind, speech and body. ___Muachcha (mritarcha)-mrit + archa. Mrit means dead. Here archa conveys two meanings-body and anger (radiance). Therefore the two meanings of mritarcha are-(1) whose mind is dead to embellishment of body; in other words, who is extremely apathetic or
detached towards his body. (2) Anger has radiance or heat, therefore o it is called archa (fire). Therefore, one whose fire-like passions have become extinct is also called mritarcha.
Sammattadamsino—the commentator has proposed three alternative transliterations of this term-samatvadarshinah, samyaktvadarshinah and samastadarshinah. They perceive and accept all beings self-like therefore they are samatvadarshi. They deeply observe every thing, person, thought, incident, etc., and understand precisely its true form; therefore they are samyaktvadarshi. Through their omniscience they see and know about every thing in the past, present and future; therefore they are samastadarshi as well.
(Acharanga Tika, leaf 171) __ १४२. इह आणाकंखी पंडिए। अणिहे एगमप्पाणं सपेहाए धुणे सरीरं। कसेहि
अप्पाणं, जरेहि अप्पाणं। ___जहा जुन्नाई कट्ठाई हव्ववाहो पमत्थइ एवं अत्तसमाहिए अणिहे।
१४२. आज्ञा का आकांक्षी (आज्ञा के अनुसार चलने वाला) पण्डित है। वह अनासक्त होकर एकमात्र आत्मा को देखता हुआ, शरीर व कषायों को प्रकम्पित कर डाले। तपस्या
द्वारा अपनी कषाय-आत्मा को कृश करे, जीर्ण करे। न जैसे-अग्नि पुराने काष्ठ को शीघ्र जला डालती है, वैसे ही समाधिस्थ आत्मा वाला
रागरहित पुरुष प्रकम्पित कर्मशरीर को (तप एवं ध्यानरूपी अग्नि से) शीघ्र जला डालता है। ___142. One who is a seeker (follower) of order (tenets) is a scholar. He should become detached and, concentrating only on soul, he should vibrate or shake loose his body and passions. By सम्यक्त्व : चतुर्थ अध्ययन
( २२५ )
Samyaktva : Forth Chapter
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