Elaboration-A man desirous of mundane pleasure is said to be with many minds. This is because driven by greed, he indulges in numerous business activities like agriculture, trading, industry, etc.. Day and night his mind is obsessed with thoughts and worries of such business activities.
Such multi-directional person becomes excessively greedy and craves for filling a sieve with water. The insinuation is that it is impossible to fill the sieve that is mundane desire with water that is wealth. To fill the pot of his mundane desires, he kills other beings, inflicts physical and mental torture on others, and acquires bipeds like slaves and servants and quadrupeds like domestic animals. He does not just stop there, driven by extreme greed he proceeds to destroy, inflict pain in numerous ways on, and conquer entire inhabited areas.
संयम में समुत्थान
१२०. आसेवित्ता एयमहं इच्चेवेगे समुट्ठिआ । तम्हा तं बिइयं नो सेवए ।
णिस्सारं पासिय णाणी ।
उववायं चवणं णच्चा अणण्णं चर माहणे ।
सेण छणे, न छणावए,
छतं नाणुजाण ।
निव्विंद गंदि अरए पयासु । अणोमदंसी णिसण्णे पावेहिं कम्मेहिं ।
१२०. कुछ व्यक्ति आरंभ, परिग्रह आदि असंयम का आसेवन करके अन्त में संयम साधना में संलग्न हो जाते हैं। इसलिए वे फिर दुबारा काम भोग तथा हिंसा आदि का आसेवन नहीं करते।
तू देख; विषय-भोग साररहित है।
तू जान, केवल मनुष्यों के ही जन्म-मरण नहीं, अपितु देवों के भी उपपात और च्यवन निश्चित हैं, यह जानकर विषय - सुखों में आसक्त मत हो । हे माहन ! ( हे श्रमण !) तू अनन्य आत्मा में रमण कर ।
मुनि प्राणियों की हिंसा स्वयं न करे, न दूसरों से हिंसा कराए और न हिंसा करने वाले का अनुमोदन करे |
शीतोष्णीय : तृतीय अध्ययन
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Sheetoshniya: Third Chapter