उपशम-वैराग्य, तप एवं ध्यान द्वारा ही हो सकता है। अतः काम की योग्य चिकित्सा तो वैराग्य व ध्यान ही है । "
व्याधि-चिकित्सा के सन्दर्भ में भी साधक जीव - हिंसा - जन्य चिकित्सा नहीं करवाता। यहाँ उसका निषेध किया है।
॥ पंचम उद्देशक समाप्त ॥
Elaboration-In this paragraph any treatment based on violence has been censured. According to Acharya Shri Atmaram ji M.-As in the preceding paragraphs the subject discussed is carnal desires, it is possible that this reference to treatment is in context of sexual competence and venereal diseases. To enhance his sexual enjoyment man uses various medicines, aphrodisiac and drugs like morphine. When body becomes weak and he loses his sexual competence he wants to regain and extend his potency through implants, prostheses and other surgical methods using animal organs or medicines made thereof. For this purpose doctors and other healers indulge in violence towards animals. Thus the patient and doctor both are partners in such violence. This type of treatment increases libido instead of curing it. In fact, carnal desires are caused by precipitation of Mohaniya karma and this karma can be subdued only through detachment, austerities and meditation. Therefore the proper cure for carnal desires is detachment and meditation.
Even in case of treatment for normal ailments an ascetic does not go for a method that involves violence. Here it has been censured. END OF LESSON FIVE
१. आचारांग हिन्दी टीका-आचार्य श्री आत्माराम जी म, पृ. २८२ लोक-विजय : द्वितीय अध्ययन
( १३३ )
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Lok Vijaya: Second Chapter