अण्णहा णं पासए-इस शब्द का चूर्णिकार ने स्पष्टीकरण किया है कि “ण मम एतं आयरियर संतगं।"-यह प्राप्त वस्तु मेरी नहीं, आचार्य की निश्रा की है। अन्यथा दृष्टि का दूसरा अर्थ यह भी है कि जैसे सामान्य गृहस्थ (अज्ञानी मनुष्य) वस्तु को देखता है तथा उसका उपयोग करता है, वैसे नहीं करे। ज्ञानी और अज्ञानी दोनों ही वस्तु को देखते हैं, उसका उपयोग करते हैं; किन्तु उनका उद्देश्य, भावना तथा विधि में बहुत बड़ा अन्तर होता है। अज्ञानी सुख व स्वाद के लिए भोगता है, जबकि ज्ञानी केवल साधना के लिए।
Elaboration-A true ascetic has to beg for clothes, pots, food and other essentials from a householder, but he does not get attached to these things. To cross a sea a boat is required but the traveller neither considers it to be the goal nor gets attached to it. Considering it to be just a means, he abandons it the moment he reaches his destination. An ascetic should accept the religious equipment with a similar intent and use with an awareness of the limitations of quantity or volume.
Uggahanam or avagrahan-This word has two meanings(1) place, and (2) to take after seeking permission.
Maayam jaanejja—Know the quantity of food. The average norm of the quantity of food is said to be thirty two mouthfuls for a male ascetic and twenty eight mouthfuls for a female ascetic. One should eat slightly less than this. The principle being that one should eat a little less than his appetite. Besides food, one should also know about the limitations regarding clothes, pots and other equipment.
Pariggahaao appaanam avasakkejja-One should avoid possessions. This phrase conveys the message that an ascetic should not consider as his own, a thing that he gets as alms. He should believe that "The thing I got belongs to the sangh (religious organization) and I will be able to use it only with the permission of the sangh or the acharya.”
Annaha nam paasae-To look differently. The commentator (Churni) has explained this term as—“The thing I have got is not mine, it is under the command of the acharya.” Different perspective also means to look at and use a thing in a way different from that आचारांग सूत्र
( 970 ) Illustrated Acharanga Sutra
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