58. See ! All disciplined persons feel ashamed (of violence towards air-bodied beings). (Also watch those) who pretend to be homeless. They indulge in sinful activities related to airbodied beings with various types of weapons. Along with, they also destroy air-bodied beings and various other types of beings.
59. Bhagavan has revealed the truth about this. When a person, for the sake of his life; praise, prestige and worship; birth, death and liberation; and removal of sorrows, (for these reasons) himself acts sinfully, causes others to act sinfully, or approves of others acting sinfully against air-bodied beings.
That (sinful act) is detrimental to him. That is the cause of This ignorance.
_ विवेचन-वायुकाय के शस्त्र के विषय में अनेक प्रकार की मान्यताएँ हैं। नियुक्ति (१७०) में निम्न पाँच शस्त्र बताये गये हैं
“विअणे य तालवंटे, सुप्पसियपत्त चेलकण्णे य।
अभिधारणा य बाहिं गंधग्गी वाउसत्थाईं॥" व्यजन-पंखा, ताल वृंत-ताड़ का पंखा, चामर-पत्र तथा वस्त्र का छोर, पसीने से लथपथ शरीर पर हवा का स्पर्श (अभिधारणा), गंध-चन्दन, खस आदि की सुगन्ध, अग्नि की उष्णता ॐ आदि। निशीथ भाष्य में कहा है-एक वायु दूसरी वायु का शस्त्र है।
Elaboration About the weapons against air-bodied beings there * are many concepts. In Niryukti (170) following five weapons have
been mentioned* Vyajan (a fan), Taal vrint (a palm-leaf fan), whisk, end of a piece * of cloth, the touch of wind on a perspiring body, fragrance, heat of a * fire, etc. In Nishith Bhashya it is said that one type of air is weapon
for other type of air.
शस्त्र परिज्ञा : प्रथम अध्ययन
७३ )
Shastra Parijna : Frist Chapter
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