beings. Its opposite or incapable of movement are immobile beings. Beings having two to five sense organs are mobile. Those that have only the sense of touch are immobile beings. On the basis of their birth, the mobile-bodied beings are divided into eight types
(1) Andaj-born from an egg; as are pea-cock, pigeon, swan and other birds and reptiles.
(2) Potaj-pota means infant. Those born as fully formed infants are called potaj; as are elephants and bats.
(3) Jarayuj-jarayu means placenta. Those born with placenta are called jarayuj or placental; such as cow, buffalo and man.
(4) Rasaj-born out of liquids; as are bacteria created when liquids ferment.
(5) Samsvedaj-born out of sweat, as are louse.
(6) Sammoorchim-of asexual origin or born spontaneously in various atmospheric combinations, as are flies, mosquitoes, ants, bumble-bees, etc.
(7) Udbhij—those that burst out of the earth when born.
(8) Aupapatik-born suddenly and fully formed instantaneously; like the hell beings in hell-pot and gods in bed of flowers. (see Illustration)
Of these eight types the first three are garbhaj (born out of womb), the later four are sammoorchim, and the last is aupapatik. All these eight types fall into these three broad categories sammorchanaj, garbhaj and upapataj. Tattvarth Sutra (2/32) has mentioned only these three categories.
The reason behind calling these beings the world is—this group of eight type of birth processes is the arena of birth and death and movement of all beings. Therefore this alone should be considered the world.
Parinirvana means moksha or liberation. But here it has been used to convey—all types of pleasure, absence of fear, sorrow and
शस्त्र परिज्ञा : प्रथम अध्ययन
Shastra Parijna : Frist Chapter
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