In that state the soul ceases to be Kartä (actuator) of any Karma, because being fully enlightened, it does not indulge in defilement. Thus, it retains its purity and stays in perfect bliss forever.
In Atmasiddhishästra the liberation has been described as the state, where there is complete disassociation of soul from the embodiment and all other aspects. The liberated state denotes the Karmaless state. As such, the soul does not have the impact of any bondage and it is disassociated from all the worldly aspects. There is no connection whatsoever with any lifeless particle. That is the ultimate disconnection in the sense that reconnection is not going to take place. It is eternal, never ends and is full of infinite happiness. It is blissful and the liberated soul avails its inherent bliss forever.
18) Ek Paramänumätrani Male Na Sparshatä, Poorna Kalank Rahit Adol Swaroop Jo; Shuddha Niranjan Chaitanyamoorti Ananyamay, Agurulaghu, Amoorta Sahajpadroop Jo. Apoorva.
It is the state where there is no contact with a single particle; it is unadulterated, non-oscillating, pure, untainted, conscious incarnate, unique, unalterable, intangible and innate state. ------- ----------- When?
Soul is inherently pure; but in the worldly state its purity is tainted and remains unstable on account of the interaction with the particles of Karma. In the liberated state, there is no contact with any particle. As such, it is free from all adulteration and remains in the same state. In other words, it is spotless and does not oscillate. Being spotless, it is untainted consciousness. That state is unique in the sense that there is no other state, which can be compared with it.
The term Agurulaghu used here literally means neither more nor less. In Jain terminology, it means that the inherent properties of a matter remain the same irrespective of the conditions. For instance, knowing is the main property of soul and that remains with it in every state. That property may not be manifest in different states, but the soul cannot be devoid of it. This can be seen from the fact that some degree of its knowing capability is manifest even in the lowest level of existence. That is fully manifested in the state of liberation and remains unalterable.
In the state of liberation the soul does not hold the attributes of touch, taste, odor or color and as such, it is intangible. Moreover, its nature of infinite bliss is fully manifested and it stays in that innate state forever. In stanza 91 of Ätmasiddhishästra Shrimad has described that state as under.
Dehädic Sanyogano, Atyantic Viyog; Siddha Moksh Shäshvat Pade, Nij Anant Sukh Bhog.
With the ultimate dissociation of soul from connection with the embodiment etc. the soul eternally stays in the liberated state and experiences its own infinite bliss.
19) Poorvaprayogädi Karanana Yogathi, Oordhwagaman Siddhälay Präpta Susthit Jo; Sädi Anant Anant Samadhisukhamän, Anant Darshan, Jnän Anant Sahit Jo. Apoorva.
By virtue of earlier thrust etc. the liberated soul rises upward and settles in the abode of liberated. It stays in infinite and absolute bliss that has beginning but no end, and is imbibed with infinite perception and infinite enlightenment.
It was stated in the last stanza that the liberated state is intangible, unadulterated, stable, unique, etc. Now this stanza specifies its location and narrates how the soul reaches there. That abode lies at the top of the universe. The space, which is termed as Äkäsh, is infinite. There is no end to it. Within a part of the space there exist two ether-like substances known as Dharmästikäy and Adharmästikäy. They are instrumental to Jiv and Pudgal (intangible soul and tangible lifeless matter) in making movement or in remaining steady. That part of the space is termed as Lokäkäsh or the universe. Siddhashilä lies at its top.
When the omniscient Lord exerts its vigor to throw away the remaining non-defiling Karmas, the thrust of that vigor continues for some moments even after Karmas are stripped off. By virtue of that thrust the soul