A Moment With Parmatma
than others.. · I am more intelligent. I am the best, I have a better understanding capacity, I, too, can judge...!!! And if he is surrounded by people who support him, and agree to whatever he says and salute him, he begins to feel... “Oh! I am something !"
Now that man's ego gets inflated like a balloon, it gets bigger and bigger with overconfidence. But do remember how much ever the balloon inflates, a small prick is enough to deflate the balloon in no time.
A knowledgeable person is not flattered by admiration....an ignorant person feels proud on being appreciated.
Always remember, till a person's luck is strong, he enjoys the fruits of his good deeds, people will listen to him and the moment his bad luck strikes and the fruits of his meritorious deeds are over; everyone tries to step over him.
It's very unpredictable!!
Suddenly , the people who sit at your feet will try to overpower you.
Suddenly, the people who bow down to you, will become disrespectful.
Suddenly, the people who sing your praises, start back biting about you.
That is why one should never get carried away by peoples appreciation. Appreciation is like a land mine.