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________________ MYSELF to my SOUL Part - 1 Yug Diwakar Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb
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________________ MYSELF to my SOUI Yug Diwakar Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb
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________________ Myself to My Soul Yug Diwakar Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb Published by : Parasdham - Mumbai. First Edition printed in February 2012. : Available at: PARASDHAM Vallabh Baug Lane, Tilak Road, Ghatkopar (E), Mumbai - 400 077. Phone : 022-32043232. 12/2a, Bakulbagan Row, Kolkata - 700 025. Phone : 9831067208 A PAWANDHAM Opp. B.C.C.I Ground, Mahavir Nagar, Kandivali (w), Mumbai - 400 067. Phone : 022-32092277. Old Padara Road, Hathibhai Nagar, Vadodara - 390 007. Phone : 0265-3293232. SHREE UVASAGGAHARAM SADHANA BHAVAN 4, Africa Colony, Kalawad Road, Rajkot. Phone : 0281-6548659 Did you enjoy reading this book ? Your feedback is valuable. For feedback and review email us at
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________________ CONTENTS Purifying Your Thoughts: -001 1. 2. The Wooden Plank, Our Savior ! ----- 014 3. Life Momentary Or Eternal. 022 4. Life Invaluable Or Ordinary ? 030 5. Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! 039 6. Expiry Date Of Sorrows. 049 7. What is Life ? 056 8. Me and My Dedication. 067 9. A Moment With Parmatma. 079 10. Becoming A Worthy Soul. 092
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________________ PREFACE "A Guru changes our Soul rather than our Life." Such is "Yug Diwakar" Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb who has changed the Souls of many. A human being takes birth, lives and dies, again takes birth, lives and dies. Is this life? Our life comes to an end but does this journey of Birth and Death have an end? No....!! Remember. Your Life is momentary but your Soul is eternal. This body and everything related to this body is only momentary, whereas the soul and everything attached to this soul is eternal. Even though we know this fact, we are still living in suspicion in this materialistic world. Unless and until you purify your thoughts, you will never be able to purify yourself and your own Soul. It is preferable to empty the mind rather than storing past incidents in it. Remove the old thoughts, beliefs and knots from the mind before listening to religious or life changing discourses. When andhe mind is emptied and there are no thoughts in it your ego will vanish * at that time you will not have to do anything, everything will start happening on its own.
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________________ | Almighty says, "A person who is passionate about religion is not my disciple but a person who is dispassionate towards worldly pleasures is my true disciple." "Nothing is new if you being passionate about the Almighty, but if the God himself is zealous about you, it should be understood that you are on the right path" The only way you can change your Soul is by having a strong belief that "My worldly life will sink me while my Guru will save me". This is a compilation of the English translation of some of His Soul changing discourses given in Gujarati. Lets us work hard not to change the present Life momentarily but to change your Soul eternally...
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts Every human being, every person always desires..yearns for... craves to do something... something unique ! "I want to do something distinguished that no one has ever done before" . Every individual wants to be different and desires to do something different from others. To be different from the crowd is a human psychology No matter what, I want to do samayik, I will do it at any cost. Somebody does it or not, I will do Atthai (8 days of continuous fast). What do you call all this? Should we decide to participate in a religious activity just to outdo another person? Ask yourself, is this religion (dharma) or competition? Is it the process of purification? Is it dharma or is it your competitive nature that compels you to do this? Are you actually doing dharma or committing sins? Today, I intend to take you in a completely different direction. I want to explain to you something which would be quite different from your general belief, thought process and experience. I want you to introspect, go deep within yourself and analyse. Check yourself! With introspection, you will realize that a majority of the activities you engage in on a daily basis are not for yourself, but rather, to make an impression on others and to create a desired image of
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts yourself in the society. It is very significant to know that 50% of the life that you live is an outcome of your efforts to please someone, to show that you are better than others, to satiate your ego. You are constantly in a competitive mode trying to prove your superiority over others. There may be a few who would be taken over by a similar attitude and think their discourses should be different from others, a shravak might think that his sadhana should be different from others, an entrepreneur would think that his strategy should be different from others. Does everyone want to project himself being better than others or be more truthful and honest? The truth is- Everyone is more concerned to be better than others rather than being more truthful. However, Parmatma says that if one does not purify his thoughts, he is unable to purify his conduct whilst following the path of dharma. Is it easier to wear a muhapatti (a cloth covering the mouth) or to stop lying? What does your experience say about this? Just taking a piece of cloth, folding it 8 times successively and tying a thread around sounds easy or is it easier to stop lying? Shouldn't one think that, "My Parmatma Mahavir has never lied, and so, I too shall
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts never lie." Is it easy or not? The fact is. It is very difficult..!! Most of us will agree that it is far easier to take a piece of cloth, to fold it into 8 parts and tie a string and use it to cover the mouth than to make a lifelong commitment to follow Parmatma Mahavir's advice of not lying. That's because wearing a Muhapatti is a mere exhibition of your religious action but being truthful is a much more difficult task. You have to be patient, you have to let go many things. Whilst the first is merely a ritual, an act to follow the path of dharma, the latter is truly walking the path of dharma. How can one fill ghee into an emptied bottle of kerosene without properly cleaning it? It will surely smell like kerosene. Whenever you need to reuse the bottle of Kerosene for filling up ghee, you first need to clean it thoroughly. However, even if a slightest trace of kerosene is left behind, then it would be of no use to pour in the ghee. Keeping this in mind, we should realize that we have spent years and years in materialistic achievements, fulfilling our desires but have always been miles away from the purification of our soul. Every year during chaturmas, (4 months during monsoon) we commit ourselves to do something for our soul, something for our true self. We want to change our lives and awaken our soul. But are we actually doing
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts something meaningful for ourselves? Without having cleansed our thoughts, the knowledge we gain is only superficial...until we undergo complete purification, we will not be able to raise our level to absorb the right spirit. We need to be worthy enough to achieve! Firstly, we need to understand the process of cleansing the bottle i.e. cleansing our thoughts and old beliefs and its only thereafter, that we can attempt to understand the process of purification of our soul and make some progress. Till then, how much ever we may try, how much ever we may get influenced by the discourses of various saints, it would all be futile. A storm comes and spreads the dust all over, but soon after the storm is gone, the dust settles down. The ascetics can come and stir up new ideas and thoughts, akin to a tornado, causing upheaval and flings everything that comes in its way up to the sky. However, just like the tornado, the ascetics are only able to stir up what lies at the top. What lies beneath, can only be improved by us individually, through the act of purifying our thoughts and underlying beliefs that influence the way we conduct ourselves daily. You may have spent years in the religious circles, attended various discourses and might have been influenced by many. But till the time you do not analyse 5
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts and introspect within yourself, these things will not change you whatsoever. You will find yourself at the same point where you started, with no progress at all. I have come to tell you this bitter truth! You eat food everyday, but you do not know whether what you eat causes diarrhoea or is it well digested? Isn't this ignorance strange? It is unfortunate that you do not realize this. What do you prefer - the best food or the food that you can digest easily? What is good for your digestive system? - Almond sheera (sweet dish) or the moong water ? Which one is more useful??? Over time, even after listening to and learning from various ascetics, if we still do not make progress, what does this show? If we are just hearing and not grasping, if we are not processing, digesting or implementing, then, we are not benefitted. We must clear old thoughts and beliefs to make way for new ones. You have always received the food for thought in the form of the best knowledge. But I want to give you something else before I give you the almond sheera. Guess what? I want to give you castor oil (a purgative)first to improve and cleanse your digestive system, which will in turn help you to digest almond sheera. Similarly, first I
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts want to explain you with plankic to get rid of your old thoughts, beliefs, attitudes and patterns. Before I begin to put forward new thoughts, it's very important for you to discard your previous beliefs. As I said, the bottle needs to be cleaned properly before pouring in anything new. Similarly, you need to rinse your old thought process to allow new thoughts and ideas to flow in. There will be no place to absorb and digest the new, if the old is not discarded. Big ideas and philosophies will just go above our heads if we're stuck with old patterns, however, even the simplest of new ideas can have remarkable results if we have clarity and focus. Our thought patterns are not only from this lifetime, but we have inherited them from our previous births too, and they will continue to go forward many more lifetimes. We need to break away from this cycle! We are extremely fortunate to be born and brought up under the influence of Lord Mahavir's principles. It's a blessing for us to be Jains and hence, it's of utmost importance to make this birth fruitful enough to achieve the final destination Moksha' (Emancipation). But just being born as a Jain does not suffice, we need to make efforts in that direction. You might be indulging in strong penance, chanting mantras and other spiritual practices. But all of this is in vain if you do not get its benefit in the present.
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts Remember, true dharma gives you a blissful experience in the present. It is not something that will yield benefit in the future. If you do not see any positive effects in the present, you will not see it in the future too. It's now or never! Still we believe that if we do dharma in the present, we will attain Moksha sometime in the future...... but we do not know when we will attain Moksha? How we will attain Moksha? Despite that, we are all indulging in dharma with a belief that it will bear us benefits in the future. Therefore we do not experience it in the present. We worship Parmatma, but fail to establish a divine connection with Him. It's our old belief system that prevents us from understanding the crux of Jainism. We are very prone to using our mind which is a big deterrent to understanding things which are far beyond human intellect. Hence, I am here to take out everything that has accumulated inside you for years and help you understand and experience divinity. I want to first cleanse your mind by emptying it before I offer you the best food for new thoughts. If your digestive system is strong and capable, even liquids will give you strength, otherwise, even the best food may cause diarrhoea.
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts Tell me, do you want to eat almond sheera first or make your digestive system powerful? Just give this a thought - Many of you would have passed 20, 25, 50, 70 years of your current life. But how about the countless lives you lived before that? For how long have you been in this cycle of birth and death? No idea! Let's make a guess, you might have had 100 births before this. In those 100 lives, you might have had various relationships such as; Mother-Father, Son-Daughter and Brother-Sister. In those lives, you ate, drank, slept, played, laughed... and spent countless years, didn't you? You might have taken birth and died several times, have lived a similar life several times. Do you see any end of your past? No, there is no end of your past. Once, I saw a man running towards me. He passed by me and then took a different route and shortly thereafter, again passed by me. Once again, he went round and later, passed me. Finally, I stopped him and asked him where he was headed. He replied that he had no idea, he was just covering the grounds. Does this sound familiar? You keep running around on a daily basis from one task to another, from one spiritual leader to another, from one hobby to another, from one spiritual pursuit to another, do you have a clear direction as to where you are headed? Do you have a purpose in life?
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts What have you achieved with all this running around? If you have not achieved anything, then what was the point of all that running without a clear goal? Remember, till the time you are not sure about your direction, it's a complete waste for you to run around. And if you try to think over and introspect, you will realize that in all your previous births, you have just been running around but reached nowhere. If a businessman works really hard to develop his business, achieves massive turnover, but if he does not make any profit in the end, then what will he do? What do you think such an entrepreneur should do? Do you think it's wise enough for him to continue the same way or just put an end to what he is doing? The answer is- he should bring about a change in his strategy and then seek profits. Similarly, when you do not experience the benefit of doing dharma, you should not stop doing it, but bring about a change and seek divine experience. The most significant thing is to bring about a change in your thoughts and beliefs. Till the time you do not bring a change in your thoughts, belief and vision, you will make no progress in your spiritual upliftment. You will get influenced by many suave speakers and saints, but it would add no value at all. Today, make a commitment to yourself. I have to 10
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts make myself capable enough to imbibe the knowledge of dharma. I have to be like a clean bottle first, before putting any new thoughts and ideas. Do not indulge in reading loads of books without understanding a vie bit of it. Just read one line carefully and digest it properly. A change in your thoughts and beliefs will set you on a path of progress towards your ultimate goal 'Moksha'. Unless this change occurs, how much ever you think you have progressed, sooner or later you will realize that you are back to square one. Till you do not decide the right direction for yourself but keep running around aimlessly, you will not see positive results. The message is clear - if we do not bring about changes in our old ways of thinking, then there is no room for new ideas. Rather than reading 10 religious texts, just imbibe simple values and make them a way of life. With a clear head, we will be able to digest these few values and gain so much from them compared to reading the 10 texts, without purifying our thoughts first. Always remember this!
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts 12
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________________ Purifying Your Thoughts 13
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________________ The Wooden Plank, Our Savior !
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________________ The Wooden Plank, Our Savior ! Are the days passing by or are they coming back to us? Is any single day from the past ever coming back? Even if we want to go back to the day before, are we able to? Even if we are ready to pay millions for it, we will surely not get it. What has gone, has gone forever...! Whatever is currently with us ... what we have right now... if we do not utilize it then that will also soon become a part of the past. - ! Life just goes on.. days, months and years just pass by in a flash do they ever come back? No! Time and tide waits for no man! Your childhood. *the best days of your life, the most relaxed and happiest days of your life, even those days of your life do not return. How much ever you wish for your childhood to return, will it come back? No, never!! Imagine that you are on a cruise...suddenly, your ship hits a starts to sink and breaks into pieces like the Titanic...everyone is running to save their are amidst chaos and confusion and stranded in the middle of the deep and vast ocean..with water all around you till you can see with no sight of land imagine you are surrounded by whales and large fishes and you do not know how to swim properly... now what? What will be your plight? There is no chance of survival and you are almost about to drown.-*who will come to your mind then? God or your Guru? Will you start chanting Namaskaar mantra or Uvasaggahar stotra? 15
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________________ The Wooden Plank, Our Savior ! May be you will remember everything... may be you will recite all your prayers remember God or Guru... but at that time will anyone come to your rescue! Yes or no? Give me an answer But, if suddenly your prayers are answered and God's messenger comes to are struggling to save your life and this savior gives you a plank of wood and tells you "catch it, hold it, it won't let you sink." How important will that plank be? Will it help you to survive? How would you feel about that plank of wood? That plank would seem like your life saver your saviour! But that feeling of life saviour will arise only when the violent sea seems to be completely life threatening ! The plank seems like a blessing only when you feel and realize that you will soon drown in the deep and vast ocean. "Only when the ocean seems like death, then a plank of wood seems like your savior!" However, you only see this wooden plank as your life's savior when you are drowning in the vast ocean - when you are facing death. In normal circumstances, this wooden plank would not mean anything to you. Our day-to-day activities, family, friends and work...we look at these as our life. Only when we realize that they truly do not constitute our life, and that we are actually suffering and moving towards death, only then, will we go in search for that wooden plank and appreciate its 16
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________________ The Wooden Plank, Our Savior ! significance. Parmatma has given us the following two words and their short and clear definitions. One whose perception and vision are true has the right attitude (samyakatva)... One who has a malign perception and vision has a perverse attitude (mithyatva). When you are in the middle of the ocean and drowning, will you perceive the sea as your savior or destroyer? If the water is going to drown you, then the wooden plank will seem to be your last hope as a savior. Even if the plank is not attractive and is smaller than the ship, even if it is broken, or has nails on it which might hurt, will you hold on to the plank or leave it? You will definitely hold on to it tightly because at that time that wooden plank will seem to be no less than God! Remember, till you do not feel that you are drowning in the sea, you will never know the importance of a simple wooden plank. But this is our weak point... we like religion...we are religious but at the same time we also like to break rules and go against what is morally right! We believe in our religion...we like following it, so we start our day with Namaskar Mantra, we go to the temple, do Samayik, Pratikraman, and chant the rosary, as 17
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________________ The Wooden Plank, Our Savior ! well, ...we make all possible adjustments in order to follow our religion... We like our religion, this is our positive point, but along with it we also crave for the worldly pleasures *** don't we? This is our biggest negative point. There are millions who like the religion but there are only a handful who are dispassionate towards worldly pleasures. Parmatma says, "A person who likes religion is not my disciple but a person who is dispassionate towars worldly pleasures is my true disciple." Now you can decide for yourself whether God likes you or not? It is not a big thing in you being passionate about God but it surely is worth appreciating if God takes a liking for you! When God himself is zealous about you then you surely are on the right path, you are on the path of truth and spirituality!! Introspect...Do you have anything in you that God would be zealous about you! The Parmatma is very useful to me, is very lucky for me. What if I would have not found Him? Then where would I be? What would have been my condition? What would I be doing and eating? I found God, I got a lot of motivation from Him, I got the good virtues and good 18
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________________ The Wooden Plank, Our Savior ! habits from God, God gave me knowledge, I am lucky to get the fullest benefit from God, but finally, what did I do for God? Nothing, you like God only because you can benefit from him. Will God ever harm you, defeat you or make you suffer, is it possible? No, never! Hence, you will surely like God as he has only benefited everyone. This is nothing new. But the day God takes a liking for you, it will be the best and most remarkable day in your life. "The day God likes me, I will be with God and away from the world." At least, once ask your soul why do you come to the temple, is it because you like it? Or you like the Guru? Or you like the preaching style of the Guru? Or you visit the sacred place for the upliftment of the soul? The day you realize that the religion and Guru are like the wooden planks in the vast sea like materialistic world which will take you to the shore, even when they have nails on it that hurt and that your religion will save you. My worldly life will sink me while my Guru will save me. My worldly life is like the deep vast ocean and my Guru is my plank of wood. Now if the world seems like a big ocean and religion 19
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________________ The Wooden Plank, Our Savior ! seems like the log of wood to you, understand that from that day you will be able to swim swiftly through the worldly ocean of life. By recollecting and pondering over the preaching again and again, you will definitely get an insight to the actual and novel meaning of it. "It is important that the world should seem like an ocean and that religion and the religious Guru should seem as the only hope of survival." "Your liking for God is of not great importance, but the day you feel that God loves you, He likes you, at that momentous occasion you can believe that your life has been successful. With this feeling in mind, I truly wish that we all instill our faith and devotion to God...!" 20
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________________ The Wooden Plank, Our Savior!
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________________ Life Momentary Eternal
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________________ Life Momentary Or Eternal Every individual uses his eyes to see, ears to listen, and mouth to talk. Whatever he looks, listens or speaks, for whomsoever he does this, with whatever intentions he does it, is it momentary or eternal? Is it for a moment or for a long time? Are your house, family, relatives, momentary or eternal? All these things are only limited to this one life, including everything in this world, every individual, even the surrounding environment. Even what you see and what you hear, everything is momentary. Are we aware that our material belongings (e.g. house, car, etc), our spouse as well as everything and everyone else, including the environment that we interact with is momentary not eternal. Clearly, a majority of our daily activities are for a momentary cause, and yet, we go about acquiring more because of our uncontrollable attachment. We must understand that our worldly affairs are momentary and the soul alone is eternal. When this religious place was built, the people who came in then are not seen there any more and the people who are seen now will also not be seen some time later. So no one is eternal. When this body itself is momentary, things are momentary, environment is momentary. When this whole 23
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________________ Life Momentary Or Eternal world is momentary, whatever we do amidst this momentary world, how much ever we do, will always be momentary and for the momentary. Even then, it is human mentality to give more importance to the momentary than the eternal. While in college you may have had a girlfriend and after marriage you have a wife. Suppose today, you have a girlfriend and a wife too. Who would be more important to you? Definitely, the wife, as she is your life long partner. The girlfriend is for few days. One has to spend the whole life with the wife, so one needs to take proper care of her. You very well know the difference between a wife (eternal) and a girlfriend (momentary). Now, let me ask you, on the one side, you have the whole world and on the other side you have your soul, how do you perceive your soul? Like a girlfriend or like a wife? With your experience you have realized that a girlfriend is momentarily yours while your wife is for whole life. Unless you realize from the bottom of your heart that your soul is eternal and that you have to take proper care of this invaluable precious existence, only then can you channelize your life meaningfully and fruitfully. What if an individual, in spite of having a wife, stays
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________________ Life Momentary Or Eternal with a girlfriend, and takes care of her? Is that individual, good or bad? Similarly, a person who forgets his soul and concentrates only on the worldly pleasures and uses all his energy to only achieve them, what kind of a person is he? How have you spent all these years of your life! Was it with your girlfriend or with your wife? Have you spent your life and energy for your soul, or only for your house, family, and business? The ability to think and understand is only possible in this human birth and not in any other births. Can an animal comprehend its existence, can it question... "Who am I? Why have I come into this world?" Not a single animal can understand itself and its soul. Parmatma says "It is only the human life which can lead to salvation." This means that the human life is the only life form that has a mind and intelligence and the rest of the other births are just illusions! And if this precious human life also passes in illusions then, what is the difference between our past lives and this human life? This body and everything related to this body is only momentary, whereas the soul and everything attached to this soul is eternal, even then you live in an illusion. Till the time you are listening to the preachings of a knowledgeable Guru in the premises of a temple, you are in your true conscious soul but the moment you step out in the 25
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________________ Life Momentary Or Eternal materialistic world, you go back to your illusionary life. Parmatma says, "If you introspect and stay connected to your soul then you are fully conscious. And if you are living with the external environment then, you are living a fake disillusioned life". Since eternity you have been living an unconscious life... at least begin living this life consciously. Till now, my soul has been after momentary happiness, but now I want to live for the eternal happiness...eternal peace and serenity! Even after such an understanding, you will definitely think that we still have time, "I will do it a little later, right now let me enjoy my life. What is the need to hurry? Still... there is plenty of time. Why should I worry about the consequences of my doings ?" But who knows when death will be waiting to embrace you, it might come before tomorrow dawns...! Once your soul is awakened it will definitely clear all your misconceptions, suspicions and delusions. A person living with uncertainty cannot be awakened. Our prime mistake is that we have named this illusion as intelligence, that's why it is keeping us in the dark. We feel that we know and understand everything and that we are also conscious of everything, No...! This is not consciousness, this is uncertainty. 26
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________________ Life Momentary Or Eternal Just imagine, how many lifetimes have we spent in disillusionment, in pursuit of a momentary cause. We have spent all these years living merely for these momentary causes, worsened with the misconception that we will have time to engage in soul-related activities in our later years. At once, we must pause to ask, "When is the right time?" - the obvious answer is - "Now!" Were there any problems in Lord Mahavir's life? Did He not get food? Was He not intelligent? No....! He was happier than us and also more intelligent than us...! Then, why did He leave His happy life? Parmatma sensed worthlessness of this world and so he left this illusionary world and took the path of penance and consciousness. "If Parmatma feels that this world is unworthy to live in, then, till the time I do not realize the same, I should accept that I am still living an illusionary life.' Human birth is the only birth when one can become conscious about one's soul; this is not possible in all other births ...! What I see around myself will all turn to ashes. You might feel that your business is well settled...your children are are in the pink of health. At the present time, you may be very happy, but 27
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________________ Life Momentary Or Eternal remember happiness and sadness, both are momentary. You should be able to differentiate between what is momentary and what is eternal for you. Just do one exercise....close your eyes and think - go within yourself...introspect... "What is the truth and what do I have to do?" Just remember these two things and you will be able to differentiate between the right and wrong. First and foremost, check yourself internally and then change yourself...! Check and change!!! If the preaching of your Guru only passes through your ears, then it is a wastage, it is only worthwhile if it opens up your eyes... once it opens your eyes, then there is only brightness ahead, but if it does not, then there would be no ray of hope for you.. I wish that you will treat each and every word of the Parmatma's sermons as precious droplets of wisdom from the holy river of HIS eternal knowledge and preserve them to ultimately merge in it and become one with the Parmatma. 28
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________________ Life Momentary Or Eternal 29
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________________ Life Invaluable Or Ordinary?
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________________ Life Invaluable Or Ordinary? Each day of our life takes away something with it and also leaves something behind for us. With each passing day, something invaluable is taken away and something precious is left behind. Every single day leaves something invaluable and precious behind and takes away something invaluable and priceless...! What does it take away from us? Each day takes away something valuable. What is it? Our breath...our life ... invaluable moments of life..our lifespan...! Think about this...does your life span increase everyday or does it decrease? Decreases ---right! Everyday something is left behind, but what do you gain from it? What do you achieve? What do you attain from that day? We do not know what we gain out of that precious day! If we give this a deep thought, we will realize that invaluable and extraordinary days and moments pass by, but we are not even able to make the most ordinary or average use of it, forget making the most of it! It gives us something priceless...something
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________________ Life Invaluable Or Ordinary? that can be treasured, but we take only the trivial....! Is there any difference in something being worthwhile and worthless? What is the difference between precious and trivial? You may think that you have achieved a lot, but what have you achieved? Is it worthwhile? Let me illustrate this to you. The Prime Minister of India, has powers for the entire administration of India in his hands for five years. Imagine, whilst in power, he asks for a teddy bear which he possessed in his childhood...and starts to play with it...! How would this look..he has the Prime Minister's chair for 5 years only and during this precious time, he is playing with a teddy bear! How would all of you look if you had your childhood toys with you and you were playing with it - and imagine day 1 passes by... day 2 also would pass in a similar fashion playing with the toy***does this seem fine? Our Prime Minister has tremendous powers with which he can achieve so much for the well-being of the country and instead, he wastes his time playing with a teddy...! Similarly, we have got this precious life but are unable to channelize it in the right direction and make effective use of it. Unfortunately, we will 32
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________________ Life Invaluable Or Ordinary? not even realize when this opportunity will cease to exist. Parmatma has referred to a very nice incident in the 25th addhyayan from the Uttaradhyan sootra. Once a Brahmin goes to the river bank to have a bath and he sees a strange scene. A frog catches an insect and before he gobbles it, the frog is caught by a snake, but before the snake can swallow the frog, the snake is captured by an eagle...but before the eagle can eat the snake, a hunter aims at it and kills the eagle with his arrow...Every one - the eagle, the snake, the frog, and the insect are all seeing their end their death in front of them. * !!! Every one of them is on their death bed but still nobody wants to leave the last morsel of food. This is the reality of our life too. Many decades of our life have passed.... Do we see whose prey we are or do we only look at the morsel in our hand? What do we see ourselves as? As a prey or predator? We fail to realize that time will eraze us..swallow us and then we will be left with nothing! Nobody realizes that he is a prey of 'time'. Do we have any guarantee that we will be alive after five minutes?" One fails to understand that he would soon become past... I am alive at present but when I shall become past I don't know! 33
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________________ Life Invaluable Or Ordinary? Nobody knows when death will embrace them and they will cease to exist. Parmatma says that when you do not have any surety of your own life, then is it right to trust the person on whom you rely for your life! There was a mental asylum in which many mentally imbalanced patients were kept and taken care of. Most of the time, they were locked in as it was dangerous to leave them free to roam around. The building had three floors, the first two floors had rooms for the patients and the terrace was on the third floor. One day, it so happened that the kitchen on the ground floor caught fire the workers quickly opened the doors and told all the patients to leave the place immediately as the building was engulfed in flames. The rooms were quickly unlocked to enable the patients to escape. Where would all these mentally challenged go? In which direction would they run to save their lives? Would they go up or down? The patients, instead of leaving the building climbed up to the third floor terrace and thinking that it was a holy fire, started dancing around it...and started celebrating their freedom - they were enjoying themselves, dancing merrily and jumping with joy. 34
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________________ Life Invaluable Or Ordinary ? What was waiting for them...? Surely their death and even then the mentally imbalanced were dancing with joy! They mistook the flames of the violent raging fire as the sacred fire! The workers were shouting from downstairs and trying to explain to them that if they did not come down, they would get trapped in the fire -- and burn themselves. But no one listened to them! Finally, the Trustees of the mental asylum arrived, they also tried to explain to the patients that if they wanted to save their lives, they needed to jump on the mattress spread on the ground, otherwise the fire will engulf them as there was no other escape route. "Come! Jump down, save your lives!" . "We aren't foolish to listen to you" , replied the patients. All the patients said collectively, "Till today, we have listened to you and obeyed you as you had locked us up. But today we are free with great difficulty we have got our we are not fools to listen to you and jump...!" How would they appear? Foolish or silly? A few of them thought, "Even though they had locked us, they took care of us, they gave us food, and if today they are saying something, they might be right... It could be in our favor" . A few of them jumped as advised. They got bruised but their lives were saved! 35
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________________ Life Invaluable Or Ordinary? The rest, who were enjoying their freedom and dancing and jumping around, were slowly engulfed by the fire. The ones who had jumped earlier started shouting that they have been saved, encouraging the remaining ones to jump if they wanted to live and that the trustees were right. However, no one was ready to believe and the result was.! Everyone was charred to death. Parmatma says, this universe is also on fire, fire is coming closer every moment and you may not even realize it when it will engulf you. I inspire you... I am calling you... leave the wrong path and reach the right place, do something for the betterment of your soul....uplift your soul...think about it and act to eternal achieve peace and happiness. The words of the trustees were like Parmatma's words for those mentally unstable people who jumped and saved their lives... The ones who had faith in Parmatma's words and jumped into the right place are the saints and the Satguru and the people who think that they are not crazy enough to believe in Parmatma... their end would be like the mentally challenged people who were celebrating whilst caught in fire... This universe seems to be good now, you like it, you like to enjoy the food, have fun, but Parmatma is saying, "No... the fire has started... 36
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________________ Life Invaluable Or Ordinary? death is very close... you do not know when it is going to come and by the time you realize, it may be too late, gather your courage and jump... save your soul... you have got an opportunity... you have got one something for yourself... make an effort to purify your soul and initiate your journey onto the path of salvation...!" Remember these feelings and understand the difference between right and wrong and follow the right path steadily. My best wishes to you for developing the right understanding...! 37
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________________ Life Invaluable Or Ordinary ? 38
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying !
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! On the day of Gurupurnima, would you want to give something to your Guru or do you expect something from him? Is it a day to give or is it a day to receive? Should we receive something or should we offer something? Gurupurnima is an auspicious day. It is a day when you want to devote everything to your Guru, even though you may not get any material benefit from him. Surrendering everything to someone from whom you are not going to get anything, this is Paramatma's governance. One offers everything to a Guru and expects nothing in return. In the world, most relationships are of a give and take nature... but where you just give and do not expect anything in return, this is called true devotion. A person from whom you do not expect anything, do not wish for anything.**when you do not get into any sort of calculation but still like to devote yourself, surrender everything to him, to the extent that you are ready to forget your existence, he is your Guru! Till date, whatever you have given to the people is with a selfish expectation to get something in return and when you do not get what you had expected, you feel irritated. You should never calculate when you give anything to your Guru. The day you surrender to your Guru, a give and take relationship no longer exists.
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! The person who uses his brain always faces a question, why should one person surrender everything to another person? An intellectual person will appreciate what his mind can make sense of and criticize what his mind does not agree with. Similarly, he may appreciate or criticize the saints and nuns. As such, in spite of going to religious places for many years he may not achieve anything. This is due to continuous calculations or evaluations being made by his mind. The person who can help you get out of this calculative and evaluative mode is a "Guru" and Gurupurnima is a special day that you should devote to him. You have read and heard many a times that you should have a Guru that you cannot live without, that only a Guru can save you from this worldly affairs, that you cannot attain salvation without a Guru, etc. But a person becomes a "Guru" to you only when you feel that nobody is yours expect him and that you do not belong to anybody else but him. It would not matter to you if the Guru saves you or drowns you.
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! From whom you get unconditional love and care... in whose presence something unfathomable happens in your heart, to whom you would like to devote yourself.... THAT PERSON ALONE CAN BE YOUR GURU. Guru is the one towards whom you feel a spiritual attraction, you want to be in his vicinity, your heart throbs for him and your eyes do not get tired of looking at him. Guru is the one for whom you do not have to pre plan, you have no doubts, no contradicting thoughts, your mind is clear, whether he looks at you or ignores you, respects you or insults you, you just want to go to him. Sometimes your mind tells you that this person is good, he gives good lectures, you like him, he takes care of you and therefore, you decide to accept him as your Guru. If your intellect selects somebody as your Guru due to the above reasons, that person can never be your true Guru... when your heart reaches out for him, your legs take you to him unintentionally, your eyes keep staring at him but still remain unsatisfied, your heart beats for him and you feel a divine attraction towards him... a feeling like never before... that person has to be your "Guru" ! Where you do not have to plan to go * you do not make any calculations, you do not think twice, you do not
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! use your brain, it does not matter whether he calls you or not, gives you respect or not... even when he insults you repeatedly, you still feel like going there.. then that person is your real Guru. When you feel attracted like this and have unusual divine feelings, then you can believe that you have found the right Guru. A Guru cannot be accepted like an arranged marriage; it should always be a love marriage... A Guru is the one whom you meet and it clicks in your heart suddenly.. when someone unexpectedly touches your breath...when somebody's words touch your heart, somebody's association arouses your feelings, for whom your heart throbs... he is your Guru! A Guru can never be the one who always speaks words which are "dear to your ears" but he should also be the one who tells you things which "your ears do not like to hear". People whom you like to listen to are mere good speakers. If a Guru does not hurt your feelings, he cannot assist you in moving ahead on the path of liberation. The Guru who pampers you can never make you "Parmatma".
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! If a sculptor keeps pampering the stone, then, the stone will remain a stone and a statue will not be carved out of it. One who kills all your wishes, who terminates your existence.....nullifies your ego... and you still cannot leave him, when this happens, you can believe that you have met a capable and true Guru. You must increase your devotion in his shelter. Many people meet a Guru but, only a few are able to reap the fruits. One who forces you to forget your own self, does not allow you to be in your identity or behave as per your wishes... to whom you are able to surrender without any control, only when you find such a Guru, you can improve your soul. I found such a Guru. My Guru's name is Tapsamrat Pujya Gurudev Shree Ratilalji Maharaj Saheb... It is easy to utter the name "Gurudev" but very difficult to feel each and every letter of it with true love from the bottom of your heart. "Fingertips which pamper stones are useless". In that case the stone and the person who pampers the stone, both enjoy it -- both like it, when both, the disciple and the Guru like, it is not the right
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! connection...he is not a Guru... if He is a Guru then it is usually not favourable for both. A Guru and His disciple are not bound by a "mere relation" is an intense bonding...a strong feeling of deep emotion...a sentiment of devotion with dedication. "Relationships" exist between a saint and his followers, not between a Guru and His Disciple. Till date you believed that a Guru is a "person who gives you knowledge" . No....! A Guru never gives you knowledge and knowledge cannot be given or taken. Yes... the Guru's blessings bring to surface the knowledge that exists within you. With a Guru's grace, knowledge can be evoked. The Guru is the one who alerts you all the time... does timely checks on you guides you.. stops you from wrong doings, whether you are living in this universe or somewhere else, he exists in your mind to remind you what you should and should not do, what is beneficial and harmful to your soul. Let's assume you have worked very hard throughout the year, studied everything till the date of your exam but what if you do not remember it on the day of the exam..?? So what is more important... that you have 45
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! studied or you remember it at the right time. When King Pardeshi was given poison by his wife Surikanta, why did he not get angry with her at that time? Because at that time he remembered his Guru's words "Pardeshi, you have become calm and must remain calm." The Guru plays a key role in such a situation. At that time, King Pardeshi does not retaliate and is able to calm down and decide to take an oath of "Santhara" (restrict yourself to one place and give up food, water and worldly life till you die). Such is the power of the Guru's timely words. The person who makes you study tonnes of books is not a Guru but is a Saint, there will be many saints but only one Guru. A person who listens to everyone is not a true disciple but is an ordinary religious person. One who understands things even when his Guru is silent, who understands his Guru's signals and starts acting on it, is a true disciple. A person who can listen to the inner voice of his Guru's soul is a true disciple and only he can attain liberation. Therefore, one who gives you knowledge is not a Guru but one who motivates you is a Guru. Anger is bad, getting angry binds karmas. One should not get angry, anger pushes you to hell... a person
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! who teaches you this is not a Guru, but when you get angry and at that time he prompts you not to be angry and remain calm, ... is an inspiration from the Guru. One who understands each and every signal of a Guru is a true disciple and one who clicks at the right time is a Guru. On this auspicious day of Gurupurnima, you should pray to Parmatma to introduce you to your Guru who prompts you at the right time, anywhere and everywhere so that you can stop yourself from binding more karmas. Let's improve our devotion in the feet and shelter of such a Guru.
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________________ Dedication... Selfless And Satisfying ! 48
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________________ OZOD Expiry Date Of Sorrows
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________________ Expiry Date Of Sorrows Sorrow doubles if cared for, but is halved if neglected. Whenever you are in trouble, have difficulties or are in pain, whenever you experience strain and stress, keep your mind engrossed in Parmatma or engage yourself in thinking positively. Your troubles, difficulties and pain will definitely reduce. All troubles, all suffering and pain, every dilemma or torment comes with an expiry date. There is no suffering in this world which is eternal. Happiness can be permanent but unhappiness can never last long. Moksha gives eternal happiness but worldly pleasures and happiness is never ever permanent. One must remember that even in case of grave difficulties or sufferings, one must never be petrified or lose self confidence. One should remain strong and think positive in any given circumstances of pain and problems. There is no agony in this world which cannot be cured by the mind. The mind has the medicine for all problems. But when people encounter trouble or sufferings, they get frightened and as a result they begin to see their problems bigger than they actually are. In reality, it is human tendency to show a bigger picture of one's problem to the outside world to gain 50
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________________ Expiry Date Of Sorrows sympathy. Sorrow doubles on being revealed but is halved when concealed. The greater the number of people asking and caring for you, the greater the magnitude of one's suffering. Feelings and affection double the sorrow. People with limited understanding, like being sympathized with and consoled during their times of sorrow. However, that sympathy and consolation will only make them weaker instead of keeping them strong. In times of trouble, distress or pain, always remember: 'Every bottle of distress has an EXPIRY DATE written on it.' One must never rush to the doctor for small pains or illnesses. Parmatma says, 'Every suffering is a result of your own karmas which have manifested and come into action.' In such a time, if you remain strong and tolerate the sufferings without any complaints, the karmas will get annihilated without affecting you. But if you pamper the karmas and welcome them, then they will not go. Your fever bids you farewell in just 2 days if you do not welcome it and stays with you for 4 days if you pamper yourself along with the fever. 51
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________________ Expiry Date Of Sorrows Isn't that a fact? Think about it... Therefore, we should restrict all the pain and agony to the body only. Let the strain and stress be confined to the outer body and not the inner mind, as it is very difficult to remove the distress from the mind. The physical pain will not take as long to disappear as the mental agony would! One who remains strong during the times of trouble attracts positive energy of the entire world, whereas, one who becomes weak attracts negative energy. One who is not strong may also fall ill. It can be noticed that people tend to fall sick more often in a household that has more caring people than otherwise. Constantly people keep asking and showing extra care and protection for the members which leads to the illness. It is human psychology that if nobody pays attention to you when you are ill, you will automatically get cured in a short time. However, if you are cared for, then the illness will last longer. All human beings have a desire to be loved. Everyone likes to get attention, be loved and cared for.. One must, therefore, learn from Parmatma or Guru and keep it as one's ideal, "It's alright to feel low and down in times of troubles and sorrow, but one must gather oneself quickly, one's face should not wither away like the leaves 52
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________________ Expiry Date Of Sorrows of autumn but should remain fresh and positive in all circumstances." Usually, the face seems dull and portrays sadness more than the magnitude of the problem. Why does such a thing happen? Remember, every individual craves for affection and one gains a lot of attention when one is unwell. It is because of this psychology that people themselves double their sorrow. Those who get frightened by sorrow, wherever they go, in whichever part of the world they are, they will remain unhappy...discontented and blue even in the midst of happiness. And those who ignore sorrow will always remain happy, even in the midst of sorrow. Look at Lord Mahavir, nails were hammered in HIS ears for no fault of HIS, imagine the excruciating pain caused to HIM. imagine the agonizing pain that must have been caused to Lord Mahavir due to the immense, unbearable torture inflicted by Sangam Dev... How would have Lord Mahavir reacted? Cried? Did HE get angry? There was not even a drop of tear in Parmatma's eyes and we usually have tears flowing for the smallest of misery. There was no anger or anxiety...Parmatma was silent and serene! A gracious person is one who cries when he sees others suffering and one who cries for his own sufferings is a coward. 53
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________________ Expiry Date Of Sorrows One night, Sangam tormented Lord Mahavir twenty times. But all his actions failed to disturb Lord Mahavir's inner peace and Lord Mahavir remained poised in his elevated state of meditation. Sangam accepted defeat and began to walk towards his abode. At that point, tears rolled from Lord Mahavir's eyes. They were not tears of pain but tears of compassion for Sangam who had committed the sinful karmas. The thought that Sangam will suffer immense pain and agony when these karmas manifest, brought tears in Lord Mahavir's eyes. One who does not cry in his own pain is a true hero! This is real dharma... True religion does not mean following the rites and means patience...endurance...calmness...inner strength...and positivity! Remember - 'In all circumstances and during times of trouble, one must stay calm and composed, strong and positive with undeterred self confidence. No misery is permanent. It comes with an EXPIRY DATE, so when the time comes, it has to leave. It is my auspicious wish that these thoughts make everyone much more stronger ! 54
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________________ Expiry Date Of Sorrows 55
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________________ OOS What Life ?
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________________ What is Life ? Parmatma's invaluable words...and when these precious words touch our soul...when they vibrate the strings of our heart, then, our views about life, CHANGE. When the words of Parmatma touches one's soul, purpose in life and goals begin to shift. The more one attunes to these words, the more one realizes the truths about life - what is real and what is unreal. And, when one is truly able to understand the meaning of life, one's life is transformed. When, one understands Parmatma's divine teachings, he realizes the gist of it and when he implements it in his life.....gradually his vision, life, thoughts and feelings change and the individual undergoes a transformation. As we comprehend Parmatma's teachings in depth, we realize the insignificance of this world and can differentiate between what is right and wrong in order to make our life worthy. And if this clicks in our mind, then I believe, this life. this birth will be successful. Let me ask you - what is the true purpose of your life? One just goes through the daily motions of life without truly understanding its purpose. You have got this special opportunity to be born as a human, but how do you utilize it? In a set manner!!! What is your routine? 57
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________________ What is Life ? Wake up, brush your teeth, have breakfast, read the newspaper, get involved in household tasks, visit the temple, go to office, work, relax for a while, talk on the phone, chat with other people, exchange a few smiles, have dinner, watch T.V. and finally, go to bed. Wake up the next day and follow the same mundane routine. How many people are connected with you and your life? Your father, mother, brother, sister, son, daughter, relatives, uncles, aunts, helpers etc. What is the maximum number of people you could be in touch with? 100, 200, 500, 1000...if you are a well known person maybe 2000, 5000...But definitely, not more! What are your daily activities? Waking, brushing, bathing, clothing, reading, talking, eating, walking, visiting temple or doing house chores & attending office, watching TV, moving or attending function, help children with their work, play with them etc... How many of these routine activities do you perform every day? The bull at an oil mill keeps moving round and round in circles. He neither has any milestone nor any goal.....he only moves in circles from morning to night, yet, he is satisfied because his movement produces oil. Similarly, your world, your life follows a daily 58
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________________ What is Life? routine without any milestone or destination. If you count the number of people with whom you are involved and the number of activities you are connected to, it will not exceed five to seven thousand. Let's go a little further. How much do you earn per month? Suppose, you earn Rs. 2 lakhs per month, will your annual income be Rs. 20-25 lakhs? Then, accordingly your income for 10 years will be Rs. 2.5 crores. For how many years will you be able to earn? Maybe 40-50 years. In those years, you may earn Rs 25-50crores. Curry item in the market has a price tag. A shirt may be priced for Rs1500. Similarly, what is the worth of your life? Rs.25 or 50 crores? Just as the worldly people have a routine life, ascetics too have a routine. Wake up, go for alms, study the holy scriptures, give or listen to discourses, keep moving to different places, have religious discussions,perform pratikraman, give time to devotees, etc... Think it over. Go into its depth....Should this routine be our actual life? Should in this way we utilize our valuable human birth? Are we going to spend our life in this routine? Will we do anything else besides the routine? This year we have come for chaturmas (four and a 59
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________________ What is Life ? half months of monsoon season)... last year another group of monks had come... The year before another had come... many different monks have come.. You went to listen to their discourses... but what is the outcome???? Why have we been born? To do the same things over and over again? Or is there something else to be done or something you can do differently? One keeps changing clothes but does not break away from the habit of having to wear clothes. One takes birth and dies, and takes another birth and dies again, but for what purpose? It is said that one keeps changing his clothes, but, his habit of wearing clothes does not change, the habit remains the same. Similarly, the house remains as it is, but people living in the house keep changing --someone is born, another passes away and life just goes on .. The cycle of birth, life and death goes on and on... Have you ever thought about birth, youth, old age, death. why? Why do you go through this cycle of birth and death? Why does one have relatives, family, and friends? The day starts and ends, for what? Have you ever thought? Have you ever wondered? Each person lives a different life according to different stages of growing up. As a child, life is completely different than life as a youth, similarly life as a youth is 60
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________________ What is Life ? different than life as an old man. As a child your life was different, the number of people and activities that you were connected with were less, maybe only fifty. Now, you may be in touch with five thousand people and doing various activities. The toys and games that you played as a child were also different. Now, as an adult you play different games and with different toys. These activities cause affection, aversion, jealousy, deceit, obsession - resulting in binding of karma. We have to bear the effects of these karmas, whether good or bad and keep rotating in the cycle of life and death!!! Such is our life. Is this the way we want to live? Days, months and years have passed whilst following this routine. Neither we have realized nor will we realize how time will pass and our life will come to an end. We do think about our mundane routine life but it's only for a while and then we are back to the grind! Just once, pray that, "Oh God! I am involved in these worldly activities, I am not aware how much I will walk on the right path shown by you, but once, just once, open my eyes and make me walk in the right direction." We are running, but with our eyes closed. Hence, we do not know in which direction we are heading ... We are living our routine life, running with the time, but what do we gain after running so much?
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________________ What is Life ? Where is the finish line? What next? Where will we be? Which state will we be in? In this birth we are born as humans, what will we be in our next birth? This birth, previous births, next birth *-...again we will take birth, grow up, live routine life with similar relationships and activities. Is there an end to this? This life ends on death, but does our journey ever end? No!!! When one has the luxuries, he feels happy, but when he faces some problems, some trouble, then life becomes miserable for him. A child feels very happy playing with his five or ten toys. He is content and delighted to have his toys. How long does his happiness last? He will be happy playing with the toys for some time, but what happens after that? For how long will he play with his toys? One day he will leave them behind. Similarly, we play with our toys such as family, friends, relatives, but for how long? One day, we will have to leave them behind and continue our journey. This game will be over.... but where is the end? You must have heard so many discourses and sermons, but how many of them have touched your heart?
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________________ What is Life ? You have heard many but did you ever feel or realize the truth even once? Are you listening or simply hearing? How often have you heard such lectures? So many times, but how many have actually touched you or struck a chord in your heart? We listen to a lot...we lend a listening ear but nothing seems to touch us... do we actually receive anything worthwhile? It is given but we fail to receive What's the reason? What is life? What's the goal of your life? Does it have a meaningful purpose? This discourse is to awaken the is to ignite the right thought in is to bring out your true self. Usually, discourses are on changing your life, but I am not interested in changing your life, I want to change your soul. Changes in life could be temporary but if your intentions change from within, your soul experiences a transformation, this positive change lives with you forever. What has your effort been for the past many years? Have you worked towards changing your soul or worked towards transforming your life? Changes in life will be useful until the end of
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________________ What is Life ? this birth, but if the soul changes, the change will be useful for every birth after birth as the soul is eternal. You kept a fast for one day and did not eat anything, but the next day you ate delicious food. Did your life change for a day or was there a genuine change in your soul? What is religion? Is it a momentary change in your life or is it a eternal change in the soul? What is religion for? Is it followed for bringing changes in your life or in your soul? The soul can only change when you introspect and think about yourself and your soul. After going home today, close your eyes and introspect for two minutes every hour. "What did Gurudev say? What message is he conveying to us? How much has it affected me? What should I do now?" If today's discourse has touched your heart, then think about it and begin to walk in the right direction, an inward journey to reach your milestone. If you have a goal, a milestone to reach, you can make a note on a timeline where you have reached and how much further you need to go. You could reflect meaningfully on how to tread the divine path. It is my auspicious wish that you progress ahead on 64
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________________ What is Life ? this right path. 65
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________________ What is Life ? 66
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________________ Me and My Dedication
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________________ Me and My Dedication At dawn... a Brahmin sage is performing aritual in the holy fire... surrounded by his 500 disciples... sacred mantras are being chanted and its echoes spread all over the place, a pious and holy atmosphere is created and the fragrance of the holy fire is spreadin all directions and at that time one could see all the heavenly Gods and Goddesses proceeding downwards. How delightful would the entire scene would be? The Brahmin sage was busy in his holy task... surrounded by his devotees and 500 disciples... it was really a divine atmosphere. The sage thought that even the heavenly Gods are getting attracted towards this holy fire. At that moment what else must be going on in the Brahmin's mind? He believes he is the most intelligent pandit on this earth, that not only the earthly humans, but also the heavenly Gods are fascinated by his knowledge!!! A man's surroundings help in increasing his ego. Man's ego is at bay when he is alone... but when he is surrounded by people, his number of followers increases, people begin to listen to him and follow his orders and also start appreciating him, his ego swells and he begins to fly in the air. A soul has no ego...when soul gets a body...and if the body appears beautiful, immediately the soul's ego take birth. If he has beautiful eyes, lovely hair or a melodious voice or anything else that is beautiful, he feels proud. Come on, let's do something practical. Close your eyes and walk down to that opposite door and come
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________________ Me and My Dedication back...walk slowly... it's ok if you dash with someone but do not open your eyes, go to the gate, touch it and return back...come back open your eyes...only one minute has passed... how did you feel? Felt very nervous. Walk in your own house for at least 10 minutes with your eyes closed... do your routine work... but do not open your eyes even for a second.... practically experience it rather than listening theoretically... you will realise... your ego becomes half when you cannot see. Loss of hearing along with loss of vision will further reduce it by another 30%. We are ego less when we are all alone, but people around us make us feel like a hero. We are egoless when our circumstances are ordinary. But as we progress in life and earn a better living and gather more happiness, luxuries, money... simultaneously our number of friends and relatives begin to increase... more and more people start respecting us... when we become materialistic... the balloon of our ego swells. This Brahmin is also very egoistic..."Oh!! no one is a better scholar than one is as knowledgeable as me. No one has disciples and devotees as many as mine..!!" Every individual feels he is better than others. "I'm the best, greatest of all". He thinks about everyone else except his soul!! Everything else other than our soul is the root cause of our ego. The Sage Brahmin was experiencing extreme pride. 69
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________________ Me and My Dedication "All the heavenly Gods are going to reach here... they will appreciate the rituals which I'm going to perform in front of the holy fire... they will bow down to me"... but suddenly, the whole scenario changed in a second... the direction of the heavenly Gods changed... they started landing somewhere little further from the brahmin place.... but still the Sage Brahmin thinks that they would surely come to him, so he tells his disciples, "look, all Gods are getting down from their Dev Viman, get ready to honor them". But...those Gods were not proceeding towards that learned Brahmin. They were going in some other direction. Where were they going? They were going towards some other person ...!!! Disciples who got ready to greet the Gods said, Oh Lord!! Those Gods are not coming towards us, they are going somewhere else. Do you know what is going on there? Who's come there? All the heavenly Gods went there and even other thousands of people are going there...!! Just beside that Brahmin's holy place.... who had come? Have you heard his name or have you seen him? Have you heard this story before or practically visualized it? A little further from the Sage Brahmins holy fire there was Parmatma Mahavir seated underneath an Ashoka tree at the top of the Samovsaran made up of Gold, Silver and embedded with gems, precious stones and pearls. Brahmin got the news, SOMEONE GREAT HAS COME 70
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________________ Me and My Dedication THERE... The Brahmin heard that an individual had come who is been trusted and respected by all. The Brahmin was informed by one of his disciplies that," someone great has come there, the individual is trusted & respected by everyone, people believed that he is very knowledgeable, in fact a scholar. Everybody says that he is "God" .....!! People say that he is more knowledgeable than you are.."!! That was it..!! It's hard to believe someone is smarter than you, it's difficult to hear and rather impossible to digest... that's human psychology & the same happened to the Brahmin. If there are two people in the house doing similar things and if one is appreciated in front of the other immediately the other person feels jealous, he gets irritated and becomes desperate. When that Brahmin heard about the learned man, who was said to be more intelligent compared to him, he became very curious... he was not ready to accept the fact, He thought... "I shall personally go there and prove my knowledge. The one in front of whom the whole world bows down, shall bow down to me". Every individual believes that the whole world should bow down to him... but would that be possible for every ordinary person!! What will happen now? He stamped his foot hard on the ground and left the place, followed by his disciples and devotees.
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________________ Me and My Dedication "A man's walk reflects his mind". Lots of trubulance was going on in the Brahmin's mind... his self ego... his negativity was flowing out of his footsteps... he moved ahead by stamping his foot hard on every step... as if every step was trying to say," who is this person? "I'll show him who I am!" When a man's ego is hurt, he is ready to sacrifice everything. He puts his whole existence at stake. Whatever happens... no matter any sacrifice he has to make... he will want to show that he is better than the other! "One progresses in life when he indulges in positive competition but one destroys himself by indulging in selfish and unhealthy competition!! When the participants are positive, they remain healthy, that's the reason of their progress. The curious Brahmin reached that place. He thought... "Oh! What is this? Golden fort ? Silver fort? Gems and pearls fort...??"The Enormous Samovsaran thrilled him. Standing on the first step of the Samovsaran, that Brahmin, Indrabhuti Gautam thought that, "I have never seen this before, a very gigantic Samovsaran, where thousands of people can be seated... I have never seen this before." Just think...Lord Mahavir is enthroned on top of that vast Samovsaran.... in the middle of so many people... that same Mahavir was alone in the dense forests a few days back... no one was there with HIM... nobody was there to ask 72
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________________ Me and My Dedication HIM about HIS health... nobody to look at HIM... at that moment there was nobody to ask for HIM... and today.. at this moment when HE is positioned on the top of the Samovsaran, lakhs of people are with HIM. Mahavir is the same. How many people went to Mahavir when HE was in the forest? How many people went to Mahavir when HE was enthroned on top of the Samovsaran? Whilst in the jungle no body went to Lord Mahavir but the whole world was at HIS feet when HE was on the Samovsaran...! Why is it so? Why such a difference? Does the world like grandeur or serenity? What does the world like more, Show or Reality? Just 10 days back, when Lord Mahavir was sitting all alone in Godhohika Aasan on the shore of Rujuvalika river... with HIS eyes closed... at that time not even a single person was seen around HIM. Today the same Mahavir whilst enthroned on top of the magnanimous Samovsaran is surrounded by lakhs of people. Poeple have gathered to bow down to Lord Mahavir.... to listen to HIM or to have a look at the Samovsaran made of Gold and Silver and embedded with Gems, precious stones and Pearls ? "Ignorant comes to see the grandeur, while a learned comes with true faith." "Ignorant approaches due to attraction, while a learned approaches due to worship." 73
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________________ Me and My Dedication "Ignorant is attracted by glamour, while a learned approaches due to spiritual passion." Many people seated in the Samovsaran were non-Jain but after listening to Parmatma Mahavir's sermons, they had become Jain. Now they felt that Parmatma Mahavir's sermons are more valuable than the magnanimous Samovsaran on which He was enthroned. Every Non-Jain person on entering Parmatma Mahavir 's Samovsaran and listening to HIS sermons, felt indebted to HIM and felt that it was their extreme good luck that they got a chance to accept and imbibe HIS preaching in their hearts and developed true devotion towards Parmatma Mahavir. They were spell bound by the kindness, love and the depth of non-violence of jain religion, hence they felt that they want none other than this religion only. It was their eulogy towards jain religion that made them accept it. Although everyone had come due to the magnanimity of the Samovsaran... but they soon realized Parmatma Mahavir's preaching were rather more valuable than anything else. Brahmin reached at the first step of the Samovsaran, as he was looking at the magnanimity of the Samovsaran and as he climbed few more steps, Lord Mahavir uttered his name, "Goima!" Brahmin heard Parmatma call him by his own name... "Goima...!!" and his eyes got wide open, he kept staring at
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________________ Me and My Dedication Parmatma... Oh! Who is THIS ? I don't know HIM, I'm not on familiar terms with HIM, we have never met... neither any relation nor any connection... then, how does He know my name? His name still echoes in his ears.. "Goima... Goima..!" As he keeps staring at Parmatma Mahavir he felt the abundant force of love flowing from HIS eyes... Gautam gets drenched in this stream of kindness and divine love being bestowed upon him by Parmatma Mahavir. Gautam's existence begins to melt in this stream of love, he had come with the attitude that "I'll show him..." he had come as an iron man ... but he begins to melt like a wax candle on experiencing the love of Parmatma Mahavir. The one who can convert a heart of stone into soft wax with love and affection, is called "Parmatma, God the almighty Gautam climbs just a few step of the Samovsaran and his heart starts feeling the love and affection of Parmatma Mahavir, he wondered, what was happening in his heart. Till the time such love and affection is not aroused in your heart for Parmatma or your Guru till that time such a feeling cannot be experienced. Now what must have happened? He must have climbed further or he must have gone down? He must have climbed ahead with his Sage Brahmin identity intact or his entire existence must have changed? 75
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________________ Me and My Dedication He had come with the attitude that "I will show my prowers and win over this person." But now he wants to know about HIM, who he is and why he is experiencing this divine attraction towards HIM? And after climbing all the steps of the Samovsaran which unparalleled event of this world occured? And at that moment which divine incidence took place? I will reveal all this and more in my next pravachan. 76
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma Each and every individual, in his life, wishes for that single moment, that instance when somewhere within his heart he experiences a feeling of complete satisfaction.* each and every individual desires this satisfaction. That particular moment... that particular instance, which one has never imagined...something which has never been experienced since years, what would happen if one experiences the same in true sense? The one who comes across such a moment in life, and if he recognizes it, experiences it... and gets connected to it, that marks the turning point in his life, and the one who does not come across such a moment, does not get the turning point in his life. If something like this does not happen in one's life, his life remains mere routine like. He lives his life...survives...continues to exist. Birth after birth are wasted without experiencing any change...!! The one who comes across such a moment in life experiences something different. His heart begins to vibrate an unusual inquisitiveness is felt from within-- ! The same unusual moment arrived in the life of that knowledgeable, scholar's Brahmin life. He had come with an attitude that "I shall prove something" but his ego is crushed by Lord Mahavir's love and affection. Each and every individual believes that I'm something, I'm different from others, I have better skills 80
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma than others.. * I am more intelligent. I am the best, I have a better understanding capacity, I, too, can judge...!!! And if he is surrounded by people who support him, and agree to whatever he says and salute him, he begins to feel... "Oh! I am something !" Now that man's ego gets inflated like a balloon, it gets bigger and bigger with overconfidence. But do remember how much ever the balloon inflates, a small prick is enough to deflate the balloon in no time. A knowledgeable person is not flattered by ignorant person feels proud on being appreciated. Always remember, till a person's luck is strong, he enjoys the fruits of his good deeds, people will listen to him and the moment his bad luck strikes and the fruits of his meritorious deeds are over; everyone tries to step over him. It's very unpredictable!! Suddenly , the people who sit at your feet will try to overpower you. Suddenly, the people who bow down to you, will become disrespectful. Suddenly, the people who sing your praises, start back biting about you. That is why one should never get carried away by peoples appreciation. Appreciation is like a land mine.
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma The Brahmin also thought, "I'm such a knowledgeable man, a great scholar, I have 500 disciples, thousands of devotees....all the people of the town respect me and even the heavenly beings attend my rituals." However, the moment he heard the news that the heavenly beings had not come to attend his holy fire but had proceeded further, his inflated ego was pricked ... he felt offended."In my town...someone superior to me...more knowledgeable !! Who is HE? Let me go...I will show HIM how knowledgeable I am, I shall defeat HIM today. "I will surely show it to HIM." He stamped his feet hard on the ground and left. He reached near the Samovasaran... one glance of the magnanimous Samovasaran and the thousands of people...he was aghast! "Oh! Such a holy atmosphere... I have never seen something like this ever before...!" Then he climbed a few steps and he heard his name being called... "GOIMA!" and he looks up and sees a stream of love and affection showering on him from above..such love and affection were bestowed upon on Gautam by those eyes, that he experienced something unusual... that eternal bliss... incomparable love... unmatchable affection and that divine care...!! Gautam kept thinking.. "Oh! What is this? Who is HE? He is absolutely different from what I had believed and expected." "I thought that some fraudster had come...I 82
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma believed that someone disguised in a godly attire had come to cheat. I expected deceit...whomsoever he may be but I'll show him my supremacy. I will defeat him but...but this is something different... !! I had anticipated something different and it has turned out to exactly the opposite...!!" Gautam's heartbeats increased and his heart was completely shaken by this event.-* !! He climbed a few more steps and again he heard the same innocent loving voice... "GOIMA..!" As Gautam climbed a few more steps. He repeatedly kept hearing, "GOIMA... GOIMA" ... from Lord Mahavir's mouth. The more and more Gautam heard his name, he started melting... his stone like personality began to melt like wax...his pride... his ego... everything melted down and Lord Mahavir uttered few more words... "Gautam.--! Even though you are the most knowledgeable person in this world... even though you feel proud to be an accomplished scholar in front of this world...but, still you have a doubt in your mind." Gautam thought... "Oh! Who is this? He is aware of my name.. and HE even knows what I am thinking... HE is even aware of the doubts in my mind? Does He know everything about what is going on in my mind? Is HE well versed with the state of my heart?" Gautam... was now no more his original self. Gautam was no more feeling proud that he was the most knowledgeable person, the greatest Scholar...he forgot 83
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma that he was a 'Guru' of 500 disciples.Gautam's ego was flattened... he felt as if he was NOTHING...! When Bhagwan Mahavir called out his name, his ears were ringing in amazement and he could not take his eyes off the aura of Bhagwan Mahavir. As Bhagwan Mahavir uttered Indrabhuti Gautam's name the second and third time, all of Indrabhuti Gautam's ego, desires, selfimportance automatically began to dissolve. One whose self identity melts in front of a Guru or God the almighty, one who becomes humble...he does not have to do anything... automatically everything happens on its own. He does not have to organize anything...everything in his life gets organized automatically. When intellect becomes zero, The thinking process stops and the ego melts... at that point of time everything starts happening on its own in one's favour. The same moment arrived in Gautam's life. He started thinking," who is this person? I have never met him, never seen him, neither had any distant contact nor am I familiar with him...still that stream of love and affection from his eyes makes me feel as if I'm connected with him since ages." Gautam's heart started becoming more and more pure and once again Lord Mahavir addressed
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma him...Goima! Even when a sage or Satguru addresses you, your whole body begins to vibrate... whereas Lord Mahavir himself who was Parmatma, the one who has omniscient knowledge, who is the Lord of all the three worlds, the one who possesses ultimate knowledge, the one who has attained the decorum of a Tirthankar, the one who possesses clear vision, thousands of Devs' are eager to serve HIM, the one who is seated in the midst of an enormous Samovsaran... surrounded by thousands of people, and the first word from HIS mouth is GOIMA.. HE said 'Goima' once, twice...thrice and then utters a few words..." Oh! Gautam! you have a doubt in your mind." Gautam's heart is shaken.. Gautam thinks, "I very well know that I possess the complete knowledge of the Shastras, I am well versed with all four Vedas, I am the most learned of all. There is a not a single question on earth which I cannot answer -- but, yes! I have only one doubt in my mind...and this person is aware of that doubt also?" Gautam's ego had melted 50% , now it melted even more to 75%. Do remember, "Only when our individuality melts, that is the time we are able to feel the vibrations of a Guru 85
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma or Parmatma." Till our individuality does not melt, we are unable to feel the vibrations of a Guru or Parmatma." Till we do not merge with the Guru or Parmatma, we are unable to realize the taste of a Guru's element or ultimate element. When our individuality blends with the individuality of a Guru or Parmatma, at that time whatever happens happens after infinite births... it happens with only one individual among infinite people. After the annihilation of infinite karmas and as a result of infinite good deeds does in one's life comes such a moment of ultimate bliss...!!! This form of realization does not happen by attending religious lectures or listening to sermons, if it is to happen, then one realizes it on a spur of a moment. Otherwise, it does not happen in his entire life cycle. This moment is of renouncement, it is life's turning point!! This moment is of inner change, soul renouncement!! The one whose influence brings a change from within, the one who changes our heart, the one who alleviates our soul, the one who does not change just the lifestyle but the soul itself, is Parmatma... Guru...! You must have listened to thousands of religious 86
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma speakers and each and everyone must have told you about the Do's and Don'ts, you should do penance (Samayik, Pratikraman), take religious oaths, recite mantras and should not eat underground vegetables, do not lie, etc. If we follow the above rules, only then we are considered as Jains, otherwise we are not. What will happen with this? Lifestyle will change. By a day's fasting, lifestyle will change but next day we end our fast and eat happily and again we are back to square one! There are a few who would fast for eight days, especially during Paryushan and on the ninth day, they will be seen at a food stall craving for food. For those eight days, it seems as if their external life has changed, external appearance had changed, superficially they looked religious, superficially it looked as if they were following all the principles of Jainism, but on the 9th day they are again back to square one. By merely changing one's lifestyle one cannot change one's soul, the soul will change only when one's individuality changes, and when one's heart blends with the Guru or Paramatma. Gautam starts losing his own individuality, Gautam forgot his own identity, he forgot who is he and he rushed, climbed the stairs and hurriedly reached Lord Mahavir and bowed his head down at Parmatma's feet. He forgot that he was Indrabhuti Brahmin, he forgot that he was the Guru of 500 disciples, he forgot he was highly learned and most knowledgeable great scholar, he forgot he had worn a 87
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma saffron attire, he could not remember his own identity. When one forgets oneself, only then one realizes who is Guru or Paramatma. What have you done in so many years? Changed your lifestyle or your soul? We became religious, strict followers of religion, we became donors, sacrificed many things, stopped eating underground vegetables, fasted and chanted God's name, attended religious seminars, listened to the preaching's of Parmatma, did every possible thing and what has changed? Our lifestyle...!! Change of lifestyle is momentary, but change of soul is eternal. We judge people only by their superficial appearance, at present if a Jain Saint gives a Vyakhyan wearing pants instead of Pachhedi (male saint's dress), then your attitude would immediately change, won't it? We live our life fulfilling external superficial identity. We have captured this external show in our frame of mind. We have a preconceived perception of Jain Saints, Sadhvijis, Shravak and Shravika, (Jain common men and women) about the entire Jain community and even about non Jains. We have only seen the superficial appearance, hence, we have that impression in our mind. One cannot experience true love with this preconceived notion. 88
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma It's not a big deal if your lifestyle changes, Paramatma is not interested in momentary changes in your lifestyle, change in one's soul is of utmost importance. Did Gautam's lifestyle change or his soul change ? Gautam bowed down to touch Lord Mahavir's feet to change his lifestyle or his soul? To change his saffron attire to white or more importantly, to white wash his soul, to attain salvation!!! The change is not only about how you live your life on a day-to-day basis, what you eat, what you wear and your actions. It is about introspecting, finding our true self, where the identity and ego dissolve and one achieves oneness with Paramatma. Indrabhuti Gautam, who believed that he was the greatest sage, the most intelligent and powerful one with thousands of followers, was able to recognize his true self. Just a single moment with Paramatma was enough to create this awareness and oneness with Paramatma. From now onwards keep pondering... whether I want to change my lifestyle or my soul??? 89
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________________ A Moment With Parmatma
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________________ Becoming Worthy Soul
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________________ Becoming A Worthy Soul "Sambujaha kim na bujaha." 'O Soul understand, why don't you understand?' These heartfelt words that come from Parmatma Mahavir fell in the ears and touch the heart of Indrabhuti Gautam. Partmatma Mahavir calls him by his name "Goima' and as he hears his name being called each and every part of his heart begin to feel the divine vibrations of Parmatma Mahavir. His entire existence melts when the rays from Parmatma Mahavir's compassionate eyes fall on him. Parmatma's empathetic eyes and love filled words 'Goima... Goima' touched Indrabhuti Brahman Gautam's heart and he began to melt. His ego and his existence was humbled. Only those who have experienced the love flowing from Parmatma or Guru's eyes can comprehend the feelings that Indrabhuti Gautam must have felt at that time. The magnetic waves flowing from Parmatma's captivating eyes touched Gautam's heart and he got so engrossed in Parmatma that he forgets himself and his existence. A child, on seeing his mother after a long time, feels happy and runs towards her. Similarly, on seeing Parmatma, Gautam rushes towards HIM. Neither did he have any previous acquaintance nor did he know HIM, he 93
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________________ Becoming A Worthy Soul had only heard that all the people of his state were going to HIM. He thought, the person would sought deceit, whoever he is I'll show him my supremacy, I will defeat him, but this is something different!! I anticipated something different and it has turned out to be exactly the opposite!! Gautam's heartbeat increased, he was completely shaken by this event!! Gautam had lot of doubts and queries but nothing remains unsolved or unclear when he bowed down at the lotus feet of Parmatma Mahavir. Gautam came to the samovasaran (a place where the Parmatma preaches after attaining omniscience) to ask questions to Parmatma, to prove that he was very knowledgeable and to reveal his ego, however, on seeing Parmatma and hearing Parmatma's sermons, he was so enthralled and touched by Parmatma's positive energy and love that he was humbled and surrendered to Parmatma and bowed down at HIS Lotus feet. Even though Gautam was egoistic and firm he wasn't as hard as a stone, he was like ice which is hard but melts when it gets warmth. Gautam was worthy of gaining Parmatma's blessings and hence he melted... he was completely humbled. "Only those, who are worthy and deserving 94
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________________ Becoming A Worthy Soul gain Parmatma's blessings. Those who are unworthy never gain anything meaningfully." "A single moment is enough for the worthy to achieve right knowledge." Just one instant, one glance from Parmatma is sufficient for the worthy to gain everything. Imagine the moment.--the instant when Gautam must have bowed down at Parmatma Mahavir's Lotus feet...what would be his feelings and his thoughts ? What would be the condition of his heart? What Gautam must have felt when he bowed to Parmatma Mahavir? What must be his feelings? What thoughts he must have had? Gautam was to be Parmatma Mahavir's first disciple but before being acknowledged as a disciple, he not only bowed down at Parmatma Mahavir'feet but he completely surrenders. Did Gautam just place his head physically at Parmatma Mahavir's feet? NO...! He gave up his thoughts, mentality, beliefs, doubts, principles and everything that he had at Parmatma Mahavir's Lotus feet. To fill water in a bucket from a well, the bucket must be first turned downwards and emptied, only then can it be refilled. Similarly, Gautam first bowed to Parmatma 95
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________________ Becoming A Worthy Soul Mahavir and emptied himself. Those who come to be emptied can be filled. Those who do not pour out themselves and become empty cannot be filled. Those who think that, "I have knowledge, I know everything, I have heard discourses, I have studied religion and have given religious exams and associated with religious Guru's" , never gain anything meaningful. Inspite of one's mind being filled with one's own set of thoughts and beliefs, if he knows how to empty himself, clears himself completely, only then is he worthy of gaining something that is valuable and meaningful. When Gautam came to Parmatma Mahavir, he was full of opinions, judgement, beliefs ego, etc. but he pours out everything at Parmatma Mahavir's Lotus feet. His ego, now is unimportant , his self identity is insignificant, his thoughts and opinions seem trivial, his entire existence melts and he forgets who he is...He forgot his own self and melted his existence in Parmatma's feet. Gautam humbly requests, "O Parmatman! from today, from now onwards I not only offer my head by bowing down but I offer my heart and soul too. I am not only bowing down to you, I am surrendering my mind and body at your feet." One who places his head and bows down at Parmatma's Lotus feet becomes a disciple. Only what is empty can be filled... One must 96
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________________ Becoming A Worthy Soul disclose his faults and empty himself before Parmatma or Guru to get filled with true knowledge. Our drawback is that we do not want to let go our thoughts, beliefs and ego. We fail to empty our mind. Until the mind in not emptied it cannot be filled. Until the mind is not emptied of unrighteous thoughts and refilled with rightful thinking we cannot merge and become one with Parmatma. What have you done in the past so many years? During Chaturmaas you listen the discourses, you fill yourselves up. One must go to Parmatma's court or to a religious place not to pile up more to the already existing, but to empty oneself, because one can only fill, which is vacant. What did you do for all these years? When one forgets his existence, he merges with Parmatma. One who clings to his identity and ego cannot become one with the Divine Soul. Try to visualize this scene - what a majestic, marvellous scene it must be...! In the huge and marvellous Samovasaran, thousands of people including Gautam's disciples and followers were eagerly waiting to hear Parmatma's illuminating and inspiring sermon. Just when Gautam bowed down to Parmatma and placed his head at Parmatma's Lotus feet just as, Parmatma raised his hand and placed it on Gautam's 97
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________________ Becoming A Worthy Soul bowed head, blessings were bestowed...! Did Parmatma merely place his hand on Gautam's head? Or did HE transfer all the knowledge and divine powers to Gautam through his sacred hand? What a marvellous moment !!! It must have been breath taking!!! Thousands of people in the samovasaran must be longing for one glance from loving and supreme Parmatma. 'When will Parmatma glance at me? When will we be blessed with an opportunity to able to talk with HIM?' What a spectacular moment it must be when Parmatma must have placed his hand on Gautam's head and lovingly called him "Goima" !!! What must have Gautam felt? What must be the feelings of the thousands of people who were seated in the grand and magnificent samovasaran? Only those who have a heart can understand what Gautam must have felt at that moment. There were tears in the eyes of many people. Many were crying with joy. Their heart began to throb on seeing this spectacular scene...! No one knew that Gautam would be Parmatma's first disciple. No one knew that Gautam would carry forward Parmatma's preachings. 98
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________________ Becoming A Worthy Soul No one knew that Gautam would be the inheritor of Parmatma's omniscient knowledge. If one wants to inherit Parmatma's omniscent knowledge then one needs to cleanse his soul, the successor's soul must be spotless and unblemished. Parmatma's descendent's soul must be sedate and serene. Gautam stands up from his bowing position and keeps on looking at Parmatma and even Parmatma Mahavir's eyes were bestowing kindness and love on him. Gautam looked at Parmatma and Parmatma looked at him. Both looked at each other quietly. They exchanged glances but neither of them uttered a single word, Yet, an unparalleled event took place in Gautam's life, after infinite births. One must pray to Parmatma, "Oh Parmatma!! When will such a moment come in my life, that, even I will imagine you to be my mother and run towards you to hug you? When will I fall at your feet and cry like a child? Oh Parmatma! When will that moment come when I will let go my ego and my entire existence and place my head at your 99
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________________ Becoming A Worthy Soul Lotus feet? When will I surrender my mind and heart at your feet? When will I surrender my soul to you?" Once... just once, pray to Parmatma and ask him for such a moment in your life. Oh Parmatma! I yearn for one such a moment...bless me with one such an instance." Our drawback is that we run towards God, move closer to HIM, but do not cut off from the worldly connections. To become a disciple of Parmatma, to become a devotee of a Guru, empty your mind, remove all thoughts, erase all your beliefs, empty all that is filled in your mind and then change yourself to become a worthy person. What you gain after changing will be indispensable. Clear your thoughts, beliefs, attitudes, ideas, clear everything from your mind, become zero and then pray to Parmatma or Guru, "Oh Parmatma! I am ignorant and do not know anything. I surrender at your Lotus feet. From today, I will do as you say, go wherever you take me and live as per your guidance and command." Who was elder in age, Parmatma Mahavir or Gautam? Gautam was elder to Parmatma Mahavir, yet Gautam prays to Parmatma Mahavir, "O Bhante(My Lord)! Allow me to hold on to your finger and follow you on the path of salvation. In this world, I have held hands of 100
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________________ Becoming A Worthy Soul many people, joined hands with many, but now, for once, let me hold your hand." Gautam placed his head at Parmatma Mahavir's Lotus feet and experienced such bliss and happiness that he renounced the world. A true disciple on surrendering to Parmatma or Guru experiences eternal happiness. Remember, nothing is gained by merely saying, "Gurudev, Gurudev." I want all of you to become like Gautam. The day, the moment, you touch Parmatma's Lotus feet, you will experience eternal bliss and happiness which cannot be found anywhere else. Also, you will realize that there is nothing more valuable and beneficial for the soul than surrendering one self to Parmatma. Gautam was not always physically present with Parmatma Mahavir, but mentally, he was always with him. He constantly used to think about Parmatma Mahavir and feel his presence. Parmatma Mahavir's preaching's echoed in his ears and his heart throbbed for Parmatma Mahavir. When you experience such feelings, you are on the path to attaining salvation. 101
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________________ An Exemplary Personality... A Visionary and Revolutionary...! Yug Diwakar Pujya Gurudev Shree Namramuni Maharaj Saheb With the aim of universal welfare, He has always strived towards wholesome development and progress of the society and the whole nation, and this has resulted in the initiation of the herculean task of translation of Aagam - the knowledge soaked, invaluable Jain Scriptures into English language to make them acclaimed universally and read by all across the globe.... "Global Aagam Gyan Mission" : About the Book In this book, a human being traversing the path of enlightenment addresses his soul to change his habits from times immemorial, and awaken from his slumber to know itself and experience its immense capabilities. Life is momentary, whereas the soul is eternal, hence one should care about the soul rather than life !!!,, "75/