Baleya, 241, Banabhatto, 103 Barbarian, 706. Barren woman, 129, 154, 236, 237, 259,
261, 609. Bauddha, 217, 236, 312, 385, 609. Being, 145, 147, 219, 260, 402, 407,
409, 485, 638. Bhadanta Fogasena, 204. Bharlanta, 226. Bhānuita, 492, 639. Bhavah. 583. Bhavana, 380. Bhavand is Habit, 58. Bhāvivikta, 155, 278, 323, 403.406,
426, 437, 655, 656, 657, 708. Bhuarga, 626. Bharadevija, 696. Bharrhari, 718. Blikkhre, 226, 688. Bitva fruit, 352. Birth, 3, 139, 465.
and Robirth. 16.
-End of, 316. Black Cow, 504 Blue Lotus, 509, 510, 670, 572, 573. Blossod Lord, 15, 16. Bludgeon, 230. Body, 152, 160. Bodhisattva, 23 Body of Convention, 411. Bondage, 131, 215.
, and Liberation, 318. Both-God and Primordial Matter,
101. Bay, 156 Breaking up of Series, 268. Brahman, 122, 123, 126, 127, 128, 129, Braun- sence of Worl.Soinki,
118. , -highest, 119.
+ volves, 125. Brahmana, 29. Breathing, 163, 164. Bahaspati, 716. Buddha, 98, 226. Buddhi, 25, 26, 151, 164, 175, 192,
199, 387. Buddhist, 75, 167, 676. Builder, 80. Burden, 225. Barner, 177.
Camphor, 69). Capacity for Effective Action, 229.
250, 259, 263. Caste, 481. Categories, 17, 330, 416. 364.
-Six, 318. Causation, L. Caus, 29, 146, 108. Causal Relation, 110. Causeless, 106. Cause - Intelligent, 69, 89. Causal Irleation. 23.
+ Potency, 13. Cause and Effect, 33. 37, 290, 295, 298,
312, 315. Ceuse-no recours to. 43.
-Toatorial, 71. Cossation. 242. Chun, 594. Chain, 170, 714. Chaitany, 164, 175, 176, 192. Charity. 9. 355. Charactorless, 152. Characteristic, 205. Charwāka, 228, 716, 725. Chmitra's Son. 240. Ohastr, 351. Chains of Attachment, ct, 293 Chain, 207, 490, 591. Chaitra, 695. Character, 724. Chitta, 151, 355. Chitrāngrada, 622, Clay, 125. Clincher, 93. Cloth, 325. Cogniser, 140, 143, 145, 187, 189.
187, 512, 601. Cognisable, 597, 600, 601. Cognition, 60, 129, 139, 144, 145,
149, 167, 172, 175, 181, 230, 308,
479, 547, 559, 629. 038, 087, 674. Cognition-Joint, 78.
+ -Eternal, 214, 215. Cognitive Moment, 107. Coherenco, 481, 487. Collective Dotermination, 480. Colour, 140, 147, 149, 176, 056, 662,
684, 695. Colour-phane, 221. Combination, 594 Combustible, 177.