Abhün, 381. Abhijnipa, 481 615. Abhidhitsuah, 603. Athrapatan, 724. Absolute Destruction, 106.209.
.. Exclusion, 166. . Inconclusive, 165.
Negation, 535, 537. Accomplishment, 591. Acquiring, 129. Action. 139, 260, 285, 394, 400, 421,
588, 616. Action and Roaction. 299. Action-Momont, 302, 314.
-Universal, 450. Active Agent, 152. Adhyakaz (Prayyakş), 627. Aduvita Doctrine of Soul. 213. Affirmation, 234, 492, 518, 594. Agont, 148. Agent and objeot, 302. Agreeable, 666. Aggregate of Intellect, etc., 142. Aggregate, 161, 225. Agriculturist, .. Arkāres, 25. Alorür, 358. Alpädin, 318. All, 528. Alāta, 629. All-embracing, 714. Amusement, 135. Anyāpoha, 596 Annihilation, 240, 241, 242. Another's use, 202. Antagonism-notion of, 269. Ankarmatra, 412. Annuller and Ampulled, 157, 652. Anuortti, 206. Appearance and Disappearance, 194,
197, 581, 102. Apprehension, 310, 669.
Apoha, 439, 483, 491, 492, 493, 40
406, 497, 499, 501, 508, 509, 542. 179, 189, 593, 505, 196, 604, 600,
609. Apokak, 07. Apares, 480. Army, 427 Arrangoment, 76, 80, 81. Ardlanisn, 358 Ashitha, 615. Ashvini, 701, Ass. 241. Association, 102. Atoms, 69, 71, 228, 319, 321, 335.
345, 403, 446.
Perceptibility of, 339. Atomie Dimension, 362. Attachment, 58. Attributes. 25. 26, 28, 357. 37. 60, 61, 69. Aurlible 548. Andlitory, 548. Austerity, 481. Auxiliary Causes, 94, Anxiliary, 253, 266. Aviddhakarna-for Theism, 69.
. -142, 235, 321, 3611. 384, 385, 710, 727. Acharya Suri, 116. A kisña, 25, 31, 126, 166, 180, 186,
194, 228, 237, 242, 244, 247, 248, 257, 259, 279, 317, 319, 337, 352,
353, 356, 394, 446, 679. Ajovikas, 252. Amalaka, 367. Anandapravi, 22. Aropita, 18. Astikas, 13. Atman, 142. Ayatana, 17, 18. Almasuarüpan, 182.
Baby, 347.