who has possessions as possessionless. He may also believe in the omniscient lord in a different way.
What is the skeptical wrong belief?
In this case one becomes skeptical. He now has doubts about the soul's actions, e.g., whether the soul is the doer of his own actions or the doer of someone or something else's actions.
What is the agnostic wrong belief?
When there is an absense in discretion for suitability or nonsuitability of a thing, then it is called agnostic wrong belief. For example, one believes it to be a religious act by killing and offering an animal to the deity, or, one considers a sinful activity as a meritorious act.
315. What is the equalitarian wrong belief?
When one believes that all different opinions, and all the different gods, are acceptable, then it is called the equalitarian wrong belief.
316. What is vowlessness (Avirati)?
When one is involved in violent sinful activities, and also remains involved with worldly sensual objects, it is called vowlessness.
How many different types of vowlessness (Avirati) are there?
There are three types:
1. Soul's attitude (Atma na bhav) due to the fruition of infinite
bonded passions karma (Anantanubandhi Kashayoday janit). 2. Soul's attitude due to the fruition of partial vows preventing
passions karma (Apratyakhyanavaran kashayoday janit). 3. Soul's attitude due to the fruition of complete vow preventing
passions karma (Pratyakhyanavaran Kashayoday janit).
Note: Study the table visualizing the three types of Vowlessness, which follow.