310. How many different types of wrong belief are there?
There are five types:
1. One-sided wrong belief (Ekantik Mithyatva) 2. Perverted wrong belief (Viparit Mithyatva) 3. Skeptical wrong belief (Sanshayik Mithyatva) 4. Agnostic wrong belief (Agnanik Mithyatva) 5. Equalitarian wrong belief (Vainayik Mithyatva)
Note: Delineation of these five types is depicted in the diagram, which follow.
Wrong Belief
One Sided Wrong Belief
Perverted Wrong Belief
Skeptical Wrong Belief
Agnostic Wrong Belief
Equalitarian Wrong Belief
311. What is one-sided wrong belief?
Although the substance may have multiple attributes, one continues to believe it to be of only one attribute. For example, one believes that the soul is always eternal or the soul is always transient in nature while ignoring its other multiple attribures.
What is perverted wrong belief?
In this case one has an altered state of the soul, and as a result, his desires are based on an altered perception. This is called the perverted wrong belief. For example, one falsely believes that the soul is the body. He may believe that one